must it be so?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Well, Christmas is almost over for another year. It always surprises me how prolonged its coming is, and how speedy its departure. It's my favourite time of year simply because of the time I can spend with family with no work commitments or other things to fill the day. But now that it's gone, I wonder at the significance I place on it. Christmas is just another day of the year, and it seems to be revered as if it were a celestial being. The pagan roots of Christmas are shocking, and if I'm not careful, it can take presidence over Christ. I'm not yet sure what I should do or what this means to me, but the doubts remain and I am at a loss for words.

the Word is alive

Monday, December 17, 2007

"Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry." (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

God taught me what this meant in a very sobering way this morning.

I was in a sulky mood... feeling sorry for myself, throwing a pity party, whatever you want to call it. Work was the last place I wanted to go, and I was refusing to trust that God would carry me through the day. I guess you could say that I had a rebellious attitude. For me, it would have been a sacrifice for me to go to work--my selfishness would be up on the altar. But that was okay, because at least God would notice, right?


As I was praying, God showed me that He wanted me to go to work NOT because it was a sacrifice, but because I would be obeying Him by doing it. That's when the phrase "to obey is better than sacrifice" popped into my head. God showed me that He would rather have me at work with an obedient spirit than at work confidently putting my desires on the altar. The message was loud and clear, and I was thankful that God had met with me when I needed Him the most.

He wasn't done teaching me, though.

I went to read more Scripture, praying that He would show me where to turn. As I sat there, flapping the page corners of my Bible, I felt my thumb stop at a specific spot. I couldn't move it from there! When I opened my Bible, the words "to obey is better than sacrifice" screamed at me from the page.

Wow! Did God actually cause me to open to that passage? I could hardly believe my eyes. There was no way I knew where that verse was found, and there it was before me. I figured that God didn't just want me to read the verse, since I already knew it. I read the whole chapter to see what the context was.

I read about King Saul, and how he disobeyed God's command to destroy the Amalekites and everything they possessed. Instead, he kept the choice lambs and offered them as a sacrifice to God. God was disappointed with Saul, and His prophet Samuel told Saul that the Lord had rejected him because he had rejected the Lord. Nothing more was recorded until Saul's death, at which point it says "And the Lord regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel."

After I had read this, I was grieved that I had ever thought I was doing God a service by sacrificing rather than obeying. I do not want my God to regret having put me where He did after I die!

I am so thankful that God uses these stories from history to reveal sin in my life. It just goes to show that God's word is "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughs and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

The Word is alive.

A Christmas Revelation

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

WOW! It's only two weeks until Christmas? HOW IN THE WORLD DID THAT ONE SNEAK UP ON ME?!? There's so much to do... and so little time!

Ahhh, yes, Christmas seems to be famous for making people feel under pressure. I think it's understandable, though, considering the scores of people one has to find meaningful gifts for, the huge dinner to prepare (and not to mention the clean up afterwards!), and the many relatives and questions to entertain. Christmas has become the holiday of all holidays, even for Christians.

This revelation made me think "why is it that Christians celebrate Christ's birth more than His resurrection?" I suppose the coming of a Saviour to the world is quite a memorable event, but the people of the day had very different expectations of Him. They expected Christ to overthrow the authorities, to divide and conquer and lead His people victoriously forever more. Wow, were they ever mistaken.

I think that if I were living in Jesus' time, I would be thinking the same thing. Of course I would be looking for someone to liberate my people from the physical bondage experienced for ages! But Christ did not come to liberate our bodies... he came to liberate our souls from death and an eternity without Him. Freeing them from authorities would have been nice at the time, but Christ did not come to bring vengeance to the corrupt government once for a few... He came to pay sin's toll ONCE for ALL.

This Christmas, I will think a little more about Christ alive today.

I have my heading!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

All my anxious longings have finally been fulfilled! Yes, I no longer sit in fidgety suspense... I am going to Millar!

Haha, ok.... I guess I wasn't really that concerned about getting in. But it is official now. I received an acceptance letter in fax form yesterday--which is so cool! Now I can know for sure what I'm doing and get ready for it the best I can.

It's interesting how God makes things "fall into place" if it's His will.

I can't wait!

white board stop motion

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

This is so incredibly random!!! I love how smooth the film is, considering it's stop motion.

all that glitters

Monday, December 03, 2007

Autumn as a child—
Leafy, Luscious, and Golden—
drifted by Indifferently
with Sweet, Spiraling scents,
silently transforming my world
of bright, carefree colours
into Regal tones of Aureate hue,
Mysterious, Majestic;
An astonishing realm of Beauty
beyond the grasp of my juvenile mind.

I was the intruder
in a Secret kingdom of Fantasy,
crunching dry leaves like bones
and sheepishly spying
on a Passionate performance
of Extravagant grace.

While boastful birds of song
subdued their lusty refrains,
while wild geese driven by wind
soared hastily far and away,
while tiny creatures of secrecy
shied back to dark places unseen,
I soaked in the Luxurious sun,
breathed in the Exhilarating fall air,
and claimed all of its Natural glory
for myself.

But it sensed my self-interest
in taking a Selfless gift,
and, like the boastful birds,
the wild geese and the tiny creatures,
it shied away to a place indefinite.
I was abandoned,
left alone, and

The glow that so Generously warmed
and shone Unashamedly bright
becoming evermore rusty,
dull and dirty.
No longer caressed by a Gentle breeze,
I found myself assaulted
by a cruel, callous wind.

It exposed the inborn naivety
which had eternally governed
the Romanticized world I dwelt in.
Leafy, Luscious and Golden,
It drifted by Indifferently…

And with Sweet, Spiraling scents,
it left me alone, and

a tolerant nation

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Yesterday I received an email regarding a certain group on Facebook that blasphemes the name of Christ. I was hurting so deep within for my saviour that I could not help but respond. The following is the email I received and my response.

this got me thinking what is wrong with the world? this guy hates what jesus stands for when he himself and the people in this group are as narrow minded as the tightest church goer around...

ironic i thought... but it kinda made me sick to think that there is no tolerance in the world on either side... there may be some but obviously not enough.

one side believes god is helping peace and is for peace. the other side believes god is inhibiting it... no one has definate proof so why do we have to fight so vicously over it. for the simple fact that its a "core" belief? thats not right nor is the fact that people will continue arguing like this for years to come...

I'm sure we can all agree no matter what our personal belief's are on this subject and lets do our part and raise tolerance... and learn a lesson from the christ haters and some of the so called christ worshipers in this group

I can't be tolerant when God is mocked. Christianity is not believing "god is helping peace and is for peace." God is not a politician in a political campaign hoping against hope that we vote for him. In fact, Jesus himself said,"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." The gospel of Christ is the most controversial thing this world has ever beheld because it flies in the face of free will. When we start to stomp our feet and say "I deserve to choose what's right for me, and you can't take it away", then we are being selfish. Free will is God-given, which means that we should never grab it from Him and wag it in front of His face, saying, "Whatcha gonna do about it?.

I truly believe that the day tolerance reigns and truth is on the back-burner, then we will be desecrating Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. The following verses depict the battle that is evident today:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law...' A man's enemies will be the members of his own houshold." (Matt. 10:34-36).

Jesus foretold this struggle of being politically correct (aka tolerant) vs. standing for truth so that we can look at His words today and know that the only peace we will ever have will be in the presence of the King.

I challenge you to read through the book of John, the book of Romans, even THE WHOLE BIBLE, and not be offended. If you're not, then you're probably the only perfect person, besides Christ, to ever live.

I only "argue" because "so called Christians" still bear the name of Christ, and I can't stand to see my Saviour scourned when I am the one to blame.

Biblical tolerance is still respecting people although they may not believe God's word, but not by saying, "that's your truth, and this is mine." I don't see how the definitive TRUTH can ever be subjective to people's own preferences. It wouldn't be definitive, then, and therefore would not be truth.

In all of this, I believe that Christians should not be the initiators of arguments just because they feel offended by what the "Christ haters" are saying. It's not the fact that we are being put in a bad light that's so bad... it's that God is. We should stand up for truth when God is being mocked, but the real battle belongs to the Lord.

It's good to be home

Monday, November 26, 2007

Today is Monday, November 26th of the year 2007. On this day in 1966, my mother came kicking and screaming into this world, and the Ottawa Renegades left kicking and screaming from the Grey Cup. The Price is Right aired for the first time (1956), and Johnny Cash debuted "Cry, cry, cry" (1955). Greece declared war on Germany (1916), and French king Louis XIV declared war on the Netherlands (1688).

How's that for some food for thought?

Well, it's a balmy MINUS 35 DEGREES outside today. I was complaining of the cold weather in the office today, only to be laughed at by some of the staff. "It's not that cold! You need to spend more time outside. It's not like it's minus 40!" they said. Little did they know that the temperature would drop BEYOND COMPREHENSION (for the end of November, at least).

I think it's come as a shock to almost everyone. But, as cold as it may be, it hasn't extinguished the enthusiasm of all Riders fans. Flags are flying high, and horns could be heard shouting well into the night. The Riders were welcomed by a staggering amount of people who dared to brave the elements a stone's throw away from our house. 18 years of losing was redeemed last night! I was told that the last time they won, bonfires were lit in the streets of Regina. Well, I sure didn't see any fires, but there is an electrifying air in the province.

You know, all my life I've been ridiculed for being a Riders fan. Why is it that being a Riders fan carries such a negative connotation? We are Canada's team (these are the words of news broadcasters, not mine), and we've finally brought the cup to a place that will benefit from it.

This is a new time for Saskatchewan! We've got a new government (which was almost as big as winning the Grey Cup), a winning team. I've never in my life seen so much enthusiasm come out of a place that is the brunt of every joke. I think that's what makes this province so special--we have shows like Corner Gas and we carry the Rider Pride long after it should have died. I don't care what anybody says, but it's good to be from Saskatchewan.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm in a very interesting place in my life right now. My heart is in two different provinces, but now I feel that my life isn't going to be pointing towards either for a little while. I'm working at the Mission, living with my parents, and I really enjoy it. I love the ministry, I love the girls, I love the staff, I love the job! But, things change quickly, and I feel led to go to Millar Bible College in January.

I don't know where this came from! Suddenly I am reassessing where I am, thinking that I should go to school now instead of later on. I've prayed about it, along with my family, and suddenly I have the funds to go.

I feel like I'm on that street in the above picture, wondering what those signs mean to me. They obviously represent different directions, but deciding which one applies is quite difficult! How am I supposed to know where I'm supposed to go when they both look the same and are both right in front of me?

I think I'm making it seem like I'm more confused that what is the case. I'm really excited to go to Millar, and I think it's the right thing for me at this time. I've asked people to pray for me, and I've been petitioning God on my own. So far, this seems to be His plan.

Will you consider what God's plan is for you at this time? Sometimes He gives us the option of doing what we want, as long as we are doing it in complete devotion to Him. Have you been running away from His call? Don't ignore it. Listen to Him, and He'll show you what the signs mean.

Attack of the Tumbleweeds!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am back from my brief trip to Manitoba. As much as I like to say "I'm a Saskatchewan girl at heart", I really do like Manitoba. Maybe even a little more than Saskatchewan. That's still under debate, though.

Anyways, here's the real point of today's post. Regina is a very unique city. It seems that you can always find things in/near Regina that are a little out of place. For example, you can come and see the "twin towers", which are still standing, or take a little side trip and see the Saskatchewan mountains (when you see them, you'll believe). If you happen to enter some forbidden barn, you may find yourself assaulted by vultures. And, while your at it, why not get mauled by a pack of Red Wolves, which only exist in south-central Saskatchewan? Oh, and here's the new addition: while driving into Regina on a windy day, you may want to play Frogger with the tumbleweeds.

Let me explain. Upon arriving in the Regina municipality, we were brutally attacked by hundreds of RAGING TUMBLEWEEDS! We had them stuck to the front of our car, as did every other driver around us. One hit the right headlight at such a speed that part of it pierced the rubber seal around the glass and was stuck in at least two inches. It was so windy today that these wimpy tangles of weeds turned into potentially lethal weapons. It was quite a site!

So, while I sit and try to think of other bizarre things to make Regina sound more interesting, you'd better go and have a better evening than you'd have reading my blog.

in the calm before the storm.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Rescue College website is down today. It has been since saturday. Although not being able to access my courses has given me an unusual opportunity to relax, it's also left me a little stressed, and rightly so! I'm doing nothing but racking up a whole bunch of homework!!!

I feel like I'm in the calm before the storm. I know it's coming... I can see it looming in the distance, but I can't run away from it, and I can do nothing about it. One day, it will just hit and I'll be scattered in a whole bunch of different directions. Ah well, what can I do?

On the brighter side, Christmas is only 48 days away!

everything you ever wanted to know

Okay, so I've officially been tagged. Now it falls to me to impart to you eight random things about myself... that are both habitual and true. I doubt that anyone will be enlightened by this, but I suppose I should pass it on.

1. I secretly like McDonalds.
2. Playing the piano is my way of sorting things out in my head
3. I don't think I'd survive if I couldn't pet kitties.
4. I've ready my favourite books five times each.
5. When it comes to taking vitamins, I have a mental block. No matter how many times I'm reminded, I'll still forget to take them.
6. I am a Saskatchewan girl at heart.
7. If I could be an animal, I'd be a bunny.
8. I can't stand feet.

Seeing as missionmusings tagged everyone I would have tagged, I excuse myself from this task.

Have a merry Pre-Christmas time!!


Monday, November 05, 2007

I feel small right now. Small before an awesome God who knows just how to reach through all the distractions in my life to my very core. He tears away the layers that I've become comfortable with. He exposes me... who I really am. To even compare my feeble existence to God's greatness is an insult to the Father.

Why does it take for us to come to this place of self-denial for God to be glorified? Oh, how we have abused His love! I speak for myself. I am so ashamed that I've allowed pride to fester and grow within my spirit.

Sometimes I think that God could never possibly forgive this rebellion. He has every right to drop me right where I am and leave me to my misery. But that's not God, is it? That's not Love, that's not Mercy, that's not Grace!!!

As I'm typing this, I am listening to a song that is speaking to my heart.

East to West by Casting Crowns

Here I am, Lord, and I'm drowning in your sea of forgetfulness  The chains of yesterday surround me I yearn for peace and rest I don't want to end up where You found me And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight I know You've cast my sin as far as the east is from the west And I stand before You now as though I've never sinned But today I feel like I'm just one mistake away from You leaving me this way Jesus, can You show me just how far the east is from the west 'Cause I can't bear to see the man I've been come rising up in me again In the arms of Your mercy I find rest 'Cause You know just how far the east is from the west From one scarred hand to the other I start the day, the war begins, endless reminding of my sin Time and time again Your truth is drowned out by the storm I'm in Today I feel like I'm just one mistake away from You leaving me this way I know You've washed me white, turned my darkness into light I need Your peace to get me through, to get me through this night I can't live by what I feel, but by the truth Your word reveals I'm not holding on to You, but You're holding on to me You're holding on to me Jesus, You know just how far the east is from the west I don't have to see the man I've been come rising up in me again In the arms of Your mercy I find rest 'Cause You know just how far the east is from the west From one scarred hand to the other One scarred hand to the other From one scarred hand to the other

Lord, you will never cease to contradict me, let alone amaze me.

Snow storm!

Friday, October 26, 2007

It's 6:30 and it's as dark as midnight outside.

Do you know what that means???

It means a storm is rolling in!!! I can only hope that it's a snow storm. What fun!

I'm really excited because I just found out that I get to see Joey next week. That's right, he's coming out Wednesday and leaving Sunday. Yay!

I'm sorry that my blogging habits are so pitiful.

Any other random thoughts you'd like to add?

Good, because I have to go do homework.

the thoughts of a sinner...

Monday, October 01, 2007

I have been greatly influenced by a couple of verses in Romans as of late. I will start with the verse of my awakening.

"Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed." (13:11)

This is the time for me to come out of my spiritual dormancy, to clutch the robe of Christ with both hands and cry out for mercy. For I have been the worst of sinners, grieving the Spirit of God daily by refusing to humble myself and submit to Him. He is near,and if I do not seek His face now, what will I do when the powers of darkness rule? I have been blind to my own spiritual pride, but now the blinders have fallen like great scales from my eyes.

"The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." (13:12)

What contrast there is here! The dark oppresses, disillusions, blinds, and alienates. Light, on the other hand, frees, reveals truth, offers sight, and shows us that we're not alone.

"Let us walk properly as in the day time, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires." (13:13&14)

We are to walk "as in the daytime"--not only when it's day. No, we walk when it's dark.

This is night--that orgies, sexual immorality, sensuality, quarreling, and jealousy are exalted daily on television, in movies, novels, magazines, and music. This is night--that no man can win a legal battle against anyone who practices sexual relations that are not natural. This is night--that thousands of people die daily because of the lust of the flesh. And this is night--that the name of God is spoken with mockery and disrespect. No, we must learn how to walk during the day so we may be able to do it at night, to the glory of God the Father.

As a Christian I am guilty of walking only when it's day, when I know I cannot fall. I think I am doing Christ a service when I walk at all, but where is the faith when I can rely fully on what my own senses are telling me at the moment? It's when I cannot see that walking brings glory to God's name.

And now I have a decision to make. Do I walk when I am confident that I can, or do I walk when my way is hidden from me? Do I resist God and provide for the flesh, or do I resist the flesh and provide for God? Now is the time to awake from this dream and become alert to the lessons of God.

In all of this I must remember that it's not people I am fighting, but It is "against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places". (Ephesians 6:12)

The battle is just beginning.

Sleep doth not cometh

Monday, September 24, 2007

Wow, I just lost the hearing in my left ear... okay, it's back.

Well, it's late, and I can't fall asleep. I've had a good day... Sara and Sarah came to visit us, and it is quite a pleasant change. I've missed my "sister"!

God's been putting his hand heavy on my heart, and I just can't seem to quiet my thoughts. I was convicted about my complacency today. If God's going to use me, then I must rid myself of all impurities. It seems like my perspective's been off as of late. I've haven't been doing devos and praying for the right reasons. I think I forgot that this relationship is focused on God, and not myself. It was a good reminder, one I hope not to forget too soon.

Ahhhh... I think I should try to go to sleep. I can hear the night crowd outside whistling to eachother on the street, so it would be a good idea to sleep before I hear something I don't want to.

Bye for now.

Migranes and fuzzy scarves.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

So, I'm sitting at the kitchen table with a fuzzy plaid scarf wrapped around my neck. I had a migrane, and now it's gone. I'm heating up hair curlers that I found at my auntie's house, we just put in the movie Gladiator, and the Rough Riders have once again disappointed me. That's about all right now.

Andrea is busy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

For someone who's doing nothing, I've sure got a lot going on.

Let me explain. I've got until the middle of October until Rescue College starts, so there's a lot of time on my hands. When I moved from Manitoba so early, I thought I'd be incredibly bored with nothing to do here. Not so! I think I have been dubbed the official housekeeper of the Porter household, which doesn't bother me at all. I think I need the discipline for future reference!!! I've been having a grand old time doing dishes, decorating, and baking cookies!

I've also been given the opportunity to make a little mula. My uncle George used to have his own Model Car shop, but he got out of that business a couple of years ago. Now he has hundreds of model cars all over his house (well, more accurately in the garage and in his office). He plans on having a grand car sale--one that Regina has never seen! Any devout car-collector would know that paying $90 for a car is a steal compared to the normal $150. He is selling the cars at wholesale price, which, I hope, will attract a lot of people. Normal garage-salers will think that my uncle has lost his marbles for selling something for so much at a garage sale. Anyways, he's given me the job of taking all the cars down, dusting them off, screwing them back on their stands, boxing them, and pricing them. It's a big job, and he's paying me hourly! Sweet! Oh, and I get to work with my favourite cousin, which is a bonus.

I'm also going to be employed this next week at Souls Harbour Rescue Mission. They need someone to answer phones and do filing, mailing letters, etc.. It's the kind of job that comes pretty easy to me... except I try to stay away from phones. But, yeah, I'm getting paid by the hour as well.

Also, my aunt and uncle are going away on a 10 day trip to Las Vegas. They need someone to house-watch, and I'm the person for the job. Once again, I get paid per day.

Oh, and my dad was talking about paying me to clean the house. I think it may have been a joke... but that would be nice if it happened.

Well, now the shower's free, and I must be off pretty soon.


God speaks!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I am going to share with you a passage of scripture that encouraged me tremendously this morning. When you read it, think of it as God's specific message for you. He is talking to you through these words, and it's not just some ancient literature. He's got a message in this for you.

Isaiah 55

1"Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

2"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance.

3"Incline your ear and come to Me. Listen that you may live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, according to the faithful mercies shown to David.

4"Behold, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander for the peoples.

5"Behold, you will call a nation you do not know, and a nation which knows you not will run to you, because of the Lord your God, even the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified you."

6 Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.

7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

8"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.

9"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

10"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;

11 so will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter foir which I sent it.

12"For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

13"Instead of the thorn bush the cypress will come up, and instead of the nettle the myrtle will come up, and it will be a memorial to the Lord, for an everlasting sign which will not be cut off."

God's word will not come back without accomplishing what He wants it to accomplish. Amen.

how much wood would a wood chuck chuck...?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, it's been a while! Do you know what it's like to get into a writing slump? Yeah, well, that's what I had. I just didn't want to do it. Now I feel completely overwhelmed because there is so much stuff to catch up on!

The first news, and of most importance, is that I am no longer living in Manitoba. I followed my family to Regina on Tuesday this week, and I am happy to say that I finally feel at home. It was extremely hard to leave MacGregor... namely because of leaving my boyfriend, all my close friends, and my other "family" there. But it was a necessary thing at this time, and I'm glad for the chance to spend some quality time with the rest of my family. You never know how much time I'll get with them after this year...

Secondly, wasn't the Banjo Bowl disappointing? I mean, come on Rough Riders, you should know how to catch a ball. And the Ref? Well, He should stop making up his own rules when he doesn't know what the propper call is. It was my first CFL game ever, and there wasn't even any competition between the teams. There was plenty between the fans, though. You see, it's only they crazy Rough Rider fans that travel to all the games. They were all dressed up in green and white, and, yes, some were even wearing mellons on their heads. Doesn't that just invite criticism?? It was a good experience, nonetheless--the people I was with made up for the shortcomings of the Green Team.

Third on my list... My aunt got West Nile! GASP! This is the kind of thing you read about in the not-so-trustworthy newspapers! Yes, folks, it actually exists. She had all the flu symptoms on top of always feeling like things were crawling on her. I'm not sure of the rest of the details, which is a good thing for you readers. What I find really funny, though, is the person doing follow-up with her from the Hospital. He phoned her with a list of questions, just to make sure she had fully recovered. When he got to one particular question, he stopped himself and said, "Oh, I guess I don't need to ask you that, because you're obviously alive." What was he going to do? Ask a corpse a question?? Why is that question even on there if the follow-up questions are meant to be directed to the infected person? I just have to laugh... and hope that it doesn't reflect on the quality of health care people receive.

Well, that's my rant for today. My foot's loss of propper circulation is informing me that it's high time to get off my butt and start doing something productive.

The end of camp = crash and burn

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Well, as of today, I am completely finished working at camp for the summer! I can hardly believe how fast it went by... and yet it felt like time stood still when I was there. I would like to share all my camp experiences, but I think that's going to have to wait until a later date. I am so exhausted and sick that I don't think I would make much sense anyways. Now that all the adrenaline and responsibility is gone, I think I am going to crash and burn for a couple of days. But, not to worry, I will be back to my usual blogging self. Take care!

Blogging on the run!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hello, everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but I've been quite busy! I am 4 weeks into camp with 4 weeks left, so I probably won't get around to blogging that much in the next month. But I am alive, so all you anxious readers can rest easy now.

Happy summer-fun-ing!!

Big Storms of Tornado Alley

Sunday, June 24, 2007

This is probably the best collection of tornado videos I've ever seen. I promise this is the last!

Tornado touches down near Elie Manitoba - June 22, 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Okay, this was a little close to home.


Friday, June 22, 2007

The current weather patterns have been causing me some grief as of late. It seems that every week there is potential for a tornado at least once. It's really hard for me to put my fears aside and trust in God during storms. When it's hot and humid and storm clouds cover the sky, my stomach turns to rot and I feel it necessary to either watch ever single development, or hide out in my basement. Well, tonight is one of those "hiding out" nights. I am so afraid of storms. It's been extremely hot and humid today, and I'm home alone at the moment. I just don't know what to do! Please, if anyone has any words of encouragement, share them with me. Or, if you feel led, please pray for me. This is not something I can defeat on my own. I need the help of the Lord. I don't want to be held captive to this fear anymore. I do not think I will be able to survive.

On a more random note, the word for "fear of long words" is 36 letters long! It's "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"

What am I gonna do now?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Well, I am unofficially done school, and there is something different I am experiencing...

Suddenly I have... what's this... time? Could it be? No projects? No deadlines? No marks, books, pens, papers, or teachers?

Okay, I sound like I am pretty jubilant, but I'm actually feeling kind of lost. What on earth am I going to do now??? School was so constant, and now it's gone.

Anyhoo, I'm going to go read a book or something.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

I had the opportunity to sit in the basement of Al Friesen today and be sideswiped by the wisdom God has imparted to Him. When I left his house, I could not fight the feeling that having a relationship with Christ Jesus is the most deep, precious, glorious, CRAZY thing I could ever possess. It's more than an attitude... it's a life. I want to stomp my foot on compromise! It one of the worst diseases to affect Christians today! Compromise in the smallest area is sin... AND SIN IS SIN! ANY sin alienates a person from the heart of God! One compromise sets the stage for another.... and another... and pretty soon we've turned a blind eye to the most BLATANT of sins! THAT is how such crazy things have seeped into the church! Compromise! Fear of man before God! Catering to the world! Why don't you STOP the landslide and ask the dear, precious forgiveness of Christ? WHY DON'T you give HIM your all??


Monday, June 11, 2007


Yes, that's right, folks, today I wrote the last exam I'll ever write in highschool---pre calculus math. And, what's more, I finished with a flair! I only took half the time given to write it. I even TRIED to take my time, to read slow, to recheck my answers. But, what can I say? Sometimes math just comes so easy to me... and then other times... well... I'm just glad I'm done! I am SOOO close to being graduated that it's almost cruel!!!! Yup...

Sheesh, I gotta think of something more interesting to blog about, or else I am going to lose my (not-so)faithful (non-existent)readers!

I am a ball of nerves.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Today I had a bit of a frightening experience.

I was very heavy hearted, and I really felt like I needed to get outside, go for a walk. Usually when I'm home alone I don't like to venture too much outside of my house, especially when I don't have access to a car. Well, I decided to disregard that and went for a walk.

It could only have been 5 minutes into my walk when I was passed by this man on a bike. No big deal, right? Every one's entitled to ride a bike, no matter what gender. But I felt really uncomfortable with how he looked at me... It wasn't a quick glance... and it scared me. I kept walking, though, because, after all, he was on a bike, he was already far ahead of me, and I didn't have to worry about him anymore. I thought he was long gone.

Quite a ways down the road, I was surprised to find that he passed me again. He had stopped somewhere that I couldn't see, and, wouldn't you know, he decided to start biking again when I passed by.

I was getting a little nervous, at this point... blame it on TV, if you want, but I did not have a good feeling at all. I decided to turn off onto a path I knew lead me to a road closer to home, and he somehow got to the back alley that crossed the path before me. He kept biking, of course (as was his style), and I was pretty much freaked out. I ran when I was he couldn't see me behind bushes, but walked when I got to the end of them. I didn't want him to think I was scared! When I looked over my shoulder to see if he was gone, I found him stopped between two buildings, looking at me. That was all the encouragement I needed.

I kicked it into high gear as soon as I was out of his sight, and picked the most hidden route home. I avoided long open streets, took as many turns as possible, and finally got home by walking along the grass behind the houses on my street, entering my house through the back door.

When I got inside, doors locked, the doorbell rang. Wow, that just about pushed me over the edge.

Thankfully, it was someone I knew here to pick up my sister's bike. Silly Andrea, there was nothing to be afraid of!

You might think that I'm really paranoid. Well, I am. I probably worked myself up way too much. The guy was probably watching me cuz I was giving him an entertaining show. But what can I say? I think of a thousand possibilities at once, and my brain gets over-loaded.

Ahhh, well, that was the mentally dysfunctional moment of the day. Maybe tomorrow I'll take a bike instead.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hello, everyone!

I had a pretty good May long... most of it was spent at Valley View Bible Camp--my home-to-be in a month or so. It was the annual CSSM Leadership Training, and about 27 people from various camps showed up. It turns out I am the youngest person there! Anyways, the weekend was really good and thought provoking, although I have to admit that I am a little nervous about being the Leadership Development Training leader. I guess I'm just going to have to trust in God to provide!

Okay, I was intending to write more, but I have a headache. Until next time!

who's the bump on the log?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Today is just one of those days....

One of those days where you have absolutely no energy to do anything but the bare necessities. I'm tired from lack of sleep. I'm tired from getting ready to move again. I'm tired from being sick. I'm tired from being emotional. But what do you do? You just ride the wave (or get swallowed by it, however you'd prefer to look at it) until it passes.

I think that I need to get this day back on track. I need to take charge, get something done, and finally feel like more than a bump on a log!

Hmmm. Well, that was inspirational.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Well, dear readers, it's about time that I inform you of an extremely monumental event in the lives of everyone in my family, though it won't affect you.

Ahem. (drum role, please)........................

We're moving to Regina! Oh yes, after, let's see... 17 years of hoping to work with family, my dad has been offered a position as Chaplain at Souls Harbour Rescue Mission! We will finally be able to live near family and rest assured that this is God's timing.

Although I may sound excited, I'd like to qualify that this is a bitter-sweet situation. It's been three years at Bagot Community Chapel, and we have so many meaningful relationships. It will definitely be hard to leave... and yet we are needed just as much in Regina.

Actually, to be completey honest with you, I have kept myself distant from the whole situation. I had already decided to move to Regina to take Rescue College, so this move doesn't have the weight that others have had. But the more I think about it, the more I am going to miss everyone here. I've lived here from grade 3 to grade 12, and it's going to be hard to say goodbye. Alas, this will be my farewell to Friendly Manitoba!

But for how long?


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Friends are such a blessing from God. They can encourage you in the Lord, sharpen your faith, and lighten the load of life. It's interesting to think on how much people change, though. When I think back even 2 years ago, I note that the friends I would have considered closest have grown distant while distant friends have grown close. It just goes to show that God puts different people in our lives for different seasons. I know for sure that one of the hardest seasons of life was accompanied by specific people, and now, after growing from that season, I am with different people. It's not so much that I'm changing and change is bad, but it's that God is changing me, and change is good when He works it out. So, right now I remain truly grateful for every single person God has blessed me to know, and I look ahead to what and who he has in store for me.

It's almost summertime....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hello! It is hot outside today. I think it's around 30! Crazy.... especially when you think that a couple years ago there was a freak snow storm around this time. Ahhh.... weather in Manitoba is never sound. Well, I'm finding it really hard to type right now, so I think I'm going to save my words for another day. Bye!

The Ten Commandments

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Haha... ok, so here is the new version of the Ten Commandments....

The Ten Voluntary Initiatives
  1. I promise to have love and respect for the planet earth and living things thereon, especially my fellow species--humankind.
  2. I promise to treat all persons everywhere with dignity, respect, and friendliness.
  3. I promise to have no more than two children, or no more than my nation suggests.
  4. I promise to use my best efforts to save what is left of our natural world in its untouched state and to restore damaged or destroyed areas where practical.
  5. I pledge to use as little nonrenewable resources as possible.
  6. I pledge to use as little toxic chemicals, pesticides, and other poisons as possible and to work for their reduction by others.
  7. I promise to contribute to those less fortunate than myself, to help them become self-sufficient and enjoy the benefits of a decent life, including clean air and water, adequate food and health care, housing, education, and individual rights.
  8. I reject the use of force, in particular military force, and back United Nations arbitration of international disputes.
  9. I support the total elimination of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction.
  10. I support the United Nations and its efforts to collectively improve the conditions of the planet.
What a mockery! What was once about God is now about the earth. I can't believe how high and mighty people think they are! I don't care what anybody says, the Ten Commandments will never be out of date.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself an image, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
  3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.
  4. Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife... or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Christ Never Fails

I came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit today.

My mom and I were heading off to Brandon under rainy skies in pursuit of a banquet/grad outfit for her, and we were engaging in happy conversation, as usual. I like to tell my mom of things happening in my life, including the status of some of my relationships with people, so she can pray about them (she is such a prayer warrior, and I admire her so much!). I told her of a conversation I had recently with a friend, and all of a sudden she asked me where my boldness had gone. I was momentarily stunned--how did she think she had the right to confront me on that, I thought angrily. I was very deffensive at first.... but then the realization of what she said sunk in.

You see, I'm very bold on paper. I'm bold in my blog, I'm bold in school assignments, I'm bold in sunday school. Basically, I'm bold when it's easy to be bold. But when I see a friend slipping into things I don't agree with, I tiptoe around the topic. I guess I'm afraid of offending them. Oh, what a hard realization this was. The fact is that I have been fearing man more than God.

Looking out the window, tears streaming down my face like the rain drifting across the glass, I came to realize what a hypocrite I am. I felt hurt, but that was only because the pride inside of me was recoiling in indignation. What an ugly thing it is! I knew I was being prideful, but, for the first time in weeks, I couldn't justify it. I had no argument, for I had been undone!

I did what I have been taught to do ever since I was just a little girl... and that was to confess my sins and ask forgiveness of God. For what else could I do? I am a wretched person, but it seems like I have just considered that as an inconvenient truth easily pushed aside. I needed God's divine intervention! I couldn't even see where I was failing.

Well, I guess the whole point of this is that I feel free, now that I have had the blinders taken off. I am free to see what I truly am in the flesh, but more importantly I am free to see who I am in Christ. All I can do is praise God for his continual guidance in my life.


Friday, May 04, 2007

I took this picture at a school in Tijuana, Mexico. Believe it or not, this is actually a hallway. Most schools in Mexico have a heavy reliance on doing outdoor activities, which is why they close when the weather is poor. There is something about this picture that I really like, though. I feel like it has a "leading" feeling to it... I don't know where it's taking me, but I am drawn into it. Somehow I feel that this picture says something about me.... but I don't know what. I wonder what sort of things psychotherapists could deduce about my life by looking at this picture...

First Baptist Church of Chesterfield

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hello everyone! I am back from St. Louis, currently enjoying my own house, coveting my own bed, and catching up on rest. I love home!

I don't think I will be able to relate to you absolutely everything that happened on the trip because there was just so much! We did everything I posted about before, and most of it met my expectations. Six Flags was a little disappointing, but I think that's just because I'm not much for standing in seemingly everlasting lines, frying in the hot sun, and getting my stomach thrusted into my throat repeatedly.

My favorite thing had to be going to the First Baptist Church of Chesterfield on Sunday morning. It was the most amazing church service I've ever took part of! The singing was phenomonal, the choir was amazing, and the preacher was on fire! Three hours later we found ourselves back on the bus again, although it only felt like 30 minutes had passed. And what was so neat is that we were welcomed very warmly. The preacher had us stand up in front of the congregation twice, and mentioned us a few times in his sermon. He told us to go back to Manitoba and tell all the people at home that there are people who believe in the Lord in Missouri! He even prayed for safety for us on the trip home. Everyone was overwhelmed by the love of God, I think.

This trip really made me think about how I am impacting people for Christ. Do people see His presence in me? Do I reflect Him in all I say and do? I definitely could see God in the people we met in the church we attended. My only prayer is that God would get the glory, not me.

Here in the U S of A

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hello! Well, it's been a very exhausting night, but we are finally relaxing at our hotel. I don't have much time, so I will just leave a thought for you to mull over....

God is the calmer of the storm. Any storm. And as soon as you realize that you can't control God's will, the better you will feel.

Well, that's it! That's all! ta ta for now!

Going to St. Louis!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Well, tomorrow my senior band class is setting out into the great unknown and heading to Missouri! I am so excited! This will only be the second time I've been in the USA. We are going to perform our band songs, of course, but also take in the Six Flags amusement park, Hard Rock cafe, Odyssey Theatre's "Alaska: Spirit of the Wild", a Gateway Arch Riverboat Cruise, an awards ceremony dinner at Six Flags, and hopefully a Bible-thumping hardcore gospel church!! I am very greatful for the opportunity to go in my last year of school... and I think I'll have a lot more to tell you when I get back!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ahhh! It seems I've been tagged! And now I must confide in you, my dear readers, six strange things about myself!

1. I've moved 13 times
2. I have a secret passion for celtic music
3. I love syrup and grilled cheese sandwiches
4. My middle tow on my right foot is gimped
5. I love tomatoes, dislike ketchup, love tomato sauce, dislike tomato soup
6. I would wear hoodies all year round if I could

Okay.... TAG! Joey's it.

I think I'm getting the message...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Okay, over these last 2 weeks I have heard the same message repeatedly, all from varying sources. I've even blogged about it! It's this... "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12) I cannot believe how I've heard it from my sunday school teacher, my pastor (aka my dad), and from different friends and youth leaders, all with no connection to the others. It's so amazing how God teaches us things in that way. Repitition is one of the most effective tools in committing something to memory. This is not the first time this has happened to me. When I switched from private to public school, it was Jeremiah's calling that kept popping up everywhere. Then, while working at a small camp one summer, it became Philippians 3:7-14. I would think it ironic that out of all the passages in the Bible, those particular ones were being brought to my attention, but I know God, and there is no luck, irony, or coincidences with Him. Anyhoo, I just thought you'd find today's rambling thoughts interesting...

The Big Countdown

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

There are 44 minutes left until I have to clean the house...
2 days left until I am freed for the weekend...
2 weeks left until I go on the school band trip...
2 weeks, 3 days until the "10 month" mark...
1 month, 2 weeks, 3 days until the "11 month" mark...
2 months until the last exam I'll ever have to write in highschool...
2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days untill I graduate...
2 months, 2 weeks, 3 days until the "1 year" mark...
etcetera.... etcetera....

Oh yes, I like to count down. I tend to look forward more than I look at the present, which may not be the best thing to do. Does anticipating the future blind a person to the present? I'm not so sure. All I know is that my life is going to change in a huge way in the next year or so, and I'm going to have to be prepared for it.

34 minutes until I have to clean the house...

Resurrection Sunday

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Today is what I like to refer to as Resurrection Sunday. Yes, that would mean Easter, but I have many reservations to using that title. That can be for another blog on another day.

The sermon today was really quite good... very thought provoking. It was entitled "That You Might Believe: Three Encounters with the Risen Christ." The three main points were as follows...

-Jesus' encounter with Mary was one to provide hope. Mary responded to a familiar voice, showing that hope is provided when Christ personally calls our names, and because He has conquered death. (John 20:11-16)

-Jesus' encounter with Thomas provided evidence of Christ's finished work. It is faith for the doubting, also seen in the life that Christ restores. (John 20:26-29)
-Jesus' encounter with Peter demonstrated forgiveness. Peter returned to his first love because Christ has love for the deserting. (John 21:17)
I was very affected by what it means to truly believe in Christ Jesus. I think I saw His resurrection in a new light today.

Take heed

Monday, April 02, 2007

Oh, brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to be earnestly guarding our hearts and our minds! Sin attacks us on all fronts and in every way, and it creeps into the dirty crevices that we fail to apprehend.

We seem to think that the enemy plays by the rules... that he will shoot where we have armor, always in front of us and in broad daylight. No, he attacks where we are most vulnerable. He finds the gaps in our armor, the cracks in our fortress. He does the best he can to pollute our water source, weakening us from within. He attacks at "night" when our minds are not engaged, our emotions are vulnerable, and our senses are easily misled. He is ruthless and always desires to take glory away from God.

It starts with the smallest negligence... failure to find weak spots, slipshod patchwork instead of getting to the source of the problem. I have found myself in positions where I am completely brought to my knees because of a fracture in the most unexpected part of my life. Although I would hardly never say it, I think of myself as "above" weakness. It is undiscerned spiritual pride, and God opposes it.

Do you see how we need to take care to protect every part of our lives? By becoming Christians, we deny the nature of the world and take up the cross of Christ. He says through the apostle Paul that "those who are of the flesh cannot please God" (Romans 8:8). Oh, please, open your hearts to the conviction of Christ and do not fall prey to the enemy's attacks! "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)

"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12)

God's Gonna Cut You Down

Friday, March 30, 2007

This song is a tribute to the life of Johnny Cash, compiled by various famous actors and actresses. I first saw this music video on Star Daily, amidst a whole bunch of stories that are not that God honoring, and it kind of surprised me. I wonder why, out of all Johnny's songs, this one was chosen. It is a very heavy message, and I just hope that the people who appeared in it understand what it says...


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When will they see?

The hateful fingers of the icy wind penetrate the girl's thin cloak as she stands outside the church, unsteady and afraid. Countless days she sat in that familiar building, sunday after sunday, feeling righteous and untouchable... and now she's here, unable to enter, but unwilling to leave. She has no where to go. Her friends... they scorn her. Those she looked up to let her down. Her mentors abandoned her, and her family denied her love. She is alone...

She carries the stain of her sin, she bears a name she's ashamed of. Many times she pleaded with them to leave her alone, but there is no relent. She can hardly handle her own guilt, let alone the scorn heaped on her by others. Her tormentors have long since forgotten that she has received her punishment, that she is dealing with the consequences. They take it upon themselves to remind her daily what a horrible, dirty woman she is.

The only consolation she has is that God knows, and He is just. Yes, it pains her greatly to know she brought shame to the name of the Lord, but at least she is not hiding guilt. Her fall gave her a sincere, penitent heart she never imagined possible. Her accusors will never know repentance until the day they are stripped naked before a holy God.

And now she is in agony, for she knows not whether to take her new-found faith and rebuild her tattered life, or to stay and petition the people to see their own hidden sins. Will they listen to the pleadings of a harlot? Or will it take mighty God to strike them down?

So she lingers in the shadows of Sodom, around the corner of Gomorrah, abused by the sinner and sanctified alike. The wind never ceases to blow, the enemy never fails to accuse. She is alone... abandoned by people, but adopted by God. Every day she is handed her scarlet letter through the glares and whispers of the passerby, and every day she gives it up to God. Repent falls from her lips as she cries tears for the lost. She sobs...

...when will they see... what will it take?

I feel yucky.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I feel really yucky today. Last night about 2 hours before I went to bed I started to get a sore throat. I didn't think much of it because I often get a sore throat before I go to bed. Silly person. Little did I know that the evil SINUS COLD would attack my poor little head. So, today my eyes hurt, my neck hurts, my back hurts, my throat hurts, and my tummy spins around. But, hey, at least I'm almost 18!

Spring-a-ling Breakage

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Well, I'm in Regina for the second weekend in a row, except this trip is a little different. I am not here with my youth group on a missions trip, but I'm here with my mom to visit my Aunt Diane and family. It feels so good to get away from home! Sometimes a person just needs a break from the monotony of every day life.

It's spring break, which means that summer is going to close in on us shortly. I can hardly believe that there is only 3 months of school left until I graduate! Honestly, that feels so strange! I don't know if I am ready to face the "big bad world", but I think that I'll have to jump in regardless of how prepared I feel. And, what's more is that 4 days from now I turn into an adult. That's right, children, I turn 18 on March 28th. On that day I bid farewell to all my childish ambitions and become a hard-working, responsible young lady. Hahaha... yeah, I don't think I'll change much in 4 days.

I'm considering going to Rescue College in October. I was a little reluctant to dive into more education at first, but it is better for me to get busy than sit, twiddle my thumbs, and whine about not knowing what to do. That's right, I will not let my idle hands become the devil's playthings! Actually, I'm looking forward to the future a lot at this moment. Strange, considering what a basket case I can be when I don't know what's going on.

Well, my dear readers, that is all I have to inform you about today. Take care, and watch out for potholes (more accurately labelled evil, bottomless pits designed to give you whiplash, wreck your tires, spill hot coffee all over your cream-coloured pants, throw off your wheel alignment, and make you need to use a washroom reeeaallly bad).

Be Unto Your Name

Monday, March 19, 2007

Can you grasp how miraculous a thing it is to be spared spiritual death and damnation from a Holy God? Can you perceive the ultimate importance of preaching Christ to this lost world? Do you even know that your life is a mere grain of sand on the beach of time?

We are nothing, nothing compared to the Creator of everything from everlasting to everlasting. Our miriads of what we think to be reputable deeds are filthy rags before One who's brilliant white robe fills the temple of God. Our minds cannot comprehend the mind of God. Our eyes cannot bear to see such perfection. Our ears have never heard such sweet music of adoration!

How can we even speak the name of the Lord without fear and trembling? How can anything but adoration escape our breath? How can we constantly deny the Holy One of His beloved, made in His own likeness? How can we not be completely astounded by the author and perfector of our faith?

Be Unto Your Name

We are a moment, You are forever,
Lord of the ages, God before time.
We are a vapour, You are eternal,
Love everlasting, reigning on high.

Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your Name,
Be unto Your Name.

We are the broken, You are the healer,
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save.
You are the love song we'll sing forever,
Bowing before You, blessing Your Name.

Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your Name,
Be unto Your Name.

My Plan vs. God's Plan

I am very, very tired today because this past weekend was the most physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stretching time I've experienced since working at camp. The Bagot Youth group and the EMC youth group came together to embark on a mission trip experience in Regina, SK. I went on the same trip last year, but this year's trip shattered all of my expectations. Here's just a breakdown of the first day's events, which seemed to set the tone for the whole trip.

Thursday, March 15th:
  • 8:00 AM - Wake up to blizzard conditions. Fear trip will be cancelled.
  • 9:30 AM - Drive nervously to Brandon and back for braces appointment.
  • 11:00 AM - Sun dries off highways, trip plans still in motion.
  • 5:30 PM - Scheduled departure time.
  • 6:00 PM - Behind schedule, but no harm done.
  • 6:30 PM - Depart, but knowingly leave without Pedro, the no-show. 1 hour behind.
  • 8:00 PM - Emily becomes very ill. Stop #1 at Virden gas station.
  • 8:10 PM - Continue on trip.
  • 8:25 PM - Emily can't go on. Our car turns back to Virden, the rest continue.
  • 8:40 PM - Stop #2 at Virden gas station.
  • 8:45 PM - Virden hospital. Emily is sick.
  • 9:05 PM - Stop #3 at Virden gas station.
  • 9:10 PM - Heading back to Brandon to drop off Emily with her parents.
  • 9:40 PM - Emily is safe with her parents, and we resume our trip.
  • 10:10 PM - Stop #4 at Virden gas station.
  • 10:15 PM - On the road again.
  • 2:00 AM - Roll into Regina. Forced to find a hotel.
  • 2:30 AM - Sleep.
As you can tell, things didn't necessarily go as planned on the first day. And it did not stop there. Numerous other people became sick, which slowed everyone down a little. And then, well, the boys acted like boys and some other "fun" little detours came about.

I could say that besides all of that, I was really impacted by the trip, but that would not be right. I was really impacted by the trip because it didn't go as planned. There is a saying that if you want to make God laugh, have a plan. Well, I had my plan, but God had His. He wanted to teach me! I learned that I should not be so rigid in what I do. I learned that Christians should hold everything in common. I learned that there is nothing praisworthy in me. I learned that I struggle with sin just as much as the people the Mission takes into the recovery program struggle with sin. I learned that God will provide for you in whatever task he calls you to, even if you feel completely inadequate. In fact, it's better that you are inadequate! The smartest person is the person that knows they are not smart. I am so thankful to God for His blessings, for speaking in such personal ways. I love Jesus!

Oh, and we just had to visit Virden for gas station stop #5 on the way back.

To Play the Passion

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I love playing the piano. I can still remember my first piano lesson with Mrs. Benson in small town Dalmeny, Saskatchewan. I was so excited to learn, and I hardly left my piano at all for the next couple of weeks. I felt like the piano was part of me. Ten years and two teachers later, I am still just as enthralled by the creamy white and ebony black keys.

I can't say that I am the most accomplished musician, for I can hardly play in front of my parents without messing up. But I love it with every part of my being. So, I must thank Mrs. Benson for recognizing my young talent, Mrs. Arundell for putting up with me always forgetting to come for lessons at recess, and, most of all, Julianne Dick for being the most supportive, encouraging, and accomplished piano teacher I could ever imagine!

George Stroumboulopoulos and Franklin Graham

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Well, I've already blogged today, but I caught something on TV that I just had to comment on. George Stroumboulopoulos, host of the CBC show "The Hour", was interviewing Franklin Graham. Kind of ironic, I thought.

Franklin was extremely true to the Word of God, even though George tried to focus the interview on sticky issues like pre-marital sex, and even on any discrepancies Franklin may have with his father, Billy Graham. He obviously didn't agree with all that Franklin had to say, but that didn't matter. Franklin was bold, and the gospel was preached!

If you'd like to see the whole interview, check out


Joey is the most amazing guy I have ever known. We've been "courting" for over 8 months, 6 which have been over a long distance. What keeps this relationship going? you might ask. It is simply this: God was the one who worked things so that we knew we should pursue a relationship together. He is the tie that binds us, and if ever Joey or myself thinks of the other as more important than God, this relationship will fail. We gave this relationship to Christ at the very beginning, and He is leading it according to His own good purpose.

It completely amazes me how much God has grown both of us through eachother. I am constantly being challenged, encouraged, and supported by Joey. He never fails to point me to Christ's perfect example, he's incredibly humble beyond belief, and he is being used by God! I can only hope that in some small way I affect him like he affects me.

What's on your mind?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hello, everyone!

I have had a lot on my mind lately. Here are some of the things occupying my thoughts...
  • Grad
  • what to do after grad
  • Joey in Whitehorse
  • the many people that have turned/are turning away from Christ
  • how to reach out to people for Christ
  • our church and it's workings
  • our church's mission trip to Soul's Harbour Rescue Mission

I have to admit that I have been completely consumed with these things, as well as a few others not listed here. I have been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I do not think it has been good. It is so easy to let the worries of life completely surround you and dictate your every move, but that is not what God intends for His children. Listen to what God says in His word...

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God,
which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-7

Christ does not want us to be so taken with the things that nag us daily that we forget Him. Take a look at the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3-23.

"Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds... fell among
the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out."

The explanation:

"And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears
the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the
word, and it becomes unfruitful."

If we, as Christians, claim to know the Lord Christ Jesus as Savior and King, and we don't give even the most trivial of things to God, our faith will be choked out and we will not produce fruit for Him.

These verses serve as much-needed reminders to me to worship God and God alone. He alone should be the substance of my thoughts.

Now, as I sit here in a comfy chair in a quiet house with a warm cup of tea, I ask you this: What's on your mind?

Mexico Pictures

Monday, March 05, 2007

Computer Art

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Whoever said that computer animation isn't art should watch this!

Of television, snow drifts, and lazy days

Saturday, March 03, 2007

School was cancelled Thursday and Friday due to a large amount of snowfall (and additional snowfall warnings) and black ice on the highways. I did not complain in the least about this extended weekend, although it meant that I was home-bound for two days with nothing really to do. I had no homework to work on and youth was cancelled.

I watched TV. I watched more TV than I have in a long time. What I saw was shocking! Television has become so extremely sex saturated! Almost every commercial has some male/female relation inuendo, and you can hardly make it through one show without a very intense kiss scene.

Now, I'm not a prude, but there is just some stuff that should be left unspoken, unseen. I'm worried about the younger audiences that are watching! They idolize everything they see on TV, and now they are idolizing sex. It's really sad. I think that I am going to very VERY carefully assess the shows I watch on the tube, because, whether I think it or not, it will start to affect my walk with God.

Television might seem harmless to you, but I believe it is a gateway for the devil to enter Christians' lives. You find yourself being carried away in fantastical storylines, your emotions get entangled in unrealistic romances, and you begin to compare your life to the lives of the people on TV. The most dangerous thing about it is that when you watch TV, you shut off your mind. We are supposed to keep every thought captive for Christ, but how can that be done if we are not the ones controlling our minds?


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I get so sad when I see Christians backsliding. You'd think they would learn from the mistakes of others, but they don't. Loving them to Jesus and just smiling at them while they completely disregard the Savior of their souls just won't work. There needs to be boldness... and lots of prayer. No one should ever think they are above temptation, no matter how devout they are. The fact is that the enemy of our souls wants to take our attention off God, and he will do that any way he can. Let's guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and not give the devil a foothold. Take time to read God's word, to pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. Where you are weak, God is strong.

Revival Hymn

Saturday, February 24, 2007

All about Revival.

It's me!

Hello, everyone!
I thought I'd start putting pictures on my blog to keep you interested.
If you have not guessed, this is a picture of me. I am no longer faceless!
Um... I don't really have much to say today, so, see ya!

The Revival Hymn

Friday, February 23, 2007

If you want to be challenged in your faith, please watch this movie. God has used it to convict me... and I think every person who calls him/herself a Christian should watch this. This is the Revival Hymn. This is what Jesus Christ is all about. This is what Jesus wants from His people!

http:// *

I must warn you, it's quite lengthy, but that shouldn't matter. JUST WATCH IT!!!

*If this link doesn't work, then go to and type "Revival Hymn" into the search bar. Click on one that is 35:52 in length.

The Grad Soap Opera II

Today is the 1 year anniversary of the creation of this blog! I must confess that blogging this past year has been... sporadic, at best. It seems as that stereotype is on it's way out, though, as I have been blogging faithfully for the past week or so. But enough about my blogging habits.

I can think of nothing better to do than create a sequel to "The Grad Soap Opera" on this day. One year ago, I was involved in a different dating relationship, I was just starting at a new school, I was packing up my room to move, and I could not completely comprehend the excitement of the upcoming graduation. Fast forward to today, and you find a girl that is now being courted by an amazing guy, quite settled and established in her school, plagued with messy room syndrome, and absolutely beside herself with excitement for her own graduation.

"Grad fever", as I like to call it, is almost at a climax in my little country school. Almost all of the girls have secured their grad dresses, and some are still working on their grad escorts. I have succeeded in obtaining both, although I think I feel a little unworthy of my wonderful escort. All that's left now between me and that diploma is 4 months of diligent studies.

The preparations for the day of grad are underway, and right now I am stuck in a battle to keep the decor simple and elegant. Building a big archway is definitely not what I'd consider simple, and lattice is not what I'd call elegant. Hopefully the "woman's touch" and attention to detail will prevail.

Graduating will be the end of a very long chapter in my life; the beginning of something completely new. I'm almost afraid to flip the page from the dress-rehearsal to the real performance, but I know that it's what needs to happen. I can only ask God to give me guidance and wisdom, because I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing.

Aren't you, my readers, so lucky to have a little insight into this transition?! Bear with me: it may be a bumpy ride.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

I met the monster Pride today. I felt it... saw it... cowered before it. It's ugly.. grotesque... and when it rears it's ugly head, I lose all of my resolve to stand against it. Most of the time I don't even notice it's there... It lies just beneath the surface, and I grow accustomed to it's presence. Haughtily I deny it exists in me... but when it jumps out of hiding, it's unmistakeable. I don't understand why I can't kill it... why I can't tell it to leave and never come back. It haunts me day and night. Sometimes I'm afraid of it, and other times I do everything I can to make it comfortable. What I do not realize is that this monster is me. This pride is me, and I can no sooner tell my arm to leave my body than get rid of the beast. The only thing that will ever kill it would be to assume a new identity... one that has never been defiled by arrogance. I must identify myself with Christ, with His sufferings.... I must die! Oh, thanks be to Jesus that He has set me free from the law of sin and death! Praise God that we can don white robes of righteousness! Pride will only be a problem when I slip back into my own, soiled self. I'm not afraid anymore!

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death."
Romans 8:1-2

Happiness, or Joy?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What's with the lack of joy in Christians? This is an issue that has been popping up everywhere lately, it seems. Many a time it has been blamed on the church.... the pastor... the congregation... but I am going to suggest something entirely different.

To do this, I must first define "joy". Joy is not happiness, although both are often lumped together. Happiness depends on happenings... on immediate surroundings. Joy, on the other hand (at least joy as it was intended to be) is a complete contentment and depends on the state of a person's relationship with God. Joy is not carnal... it's spiritual.

I would like to suggest that the real problem of the life lacking joy lies with the person not experiencing joy. Because joy has to do with a person's own spiritual life, and because God is faultless, the only thing that can hinder it's developement is the person--not the pastor, not the church, not the congregation. If you are not joyful, then critique your own relationship with God, and not other people's words and actions. True joy will flourish without encouragement from man!

Once again, sense may be eluding my simple blog. These are just some thoughts, and they are not the gospel! If you want absolute truth, then go to the Source. Go to the Bible! Ask God to open your mind to His truth. He is the one that holds the keys to life!

Until next time...

Debates and Integrity

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well, today we had another debate in English class, and I found myself adamantly arguing my particular point of view. It wasn't even my debate, and yet my "feathers" were ruffled and I was being defensive. What does this say about me? I am almost ashamed to think of myself such a controversial person. I don't think I was emulating Christ's behavior at all. I should be quiet and gentle in spirit... and yet I let things get to me. Please, if you call yourself a Christian, take care to examine how your behavior reflects on your most holy Savior. I am glad that we are just debating in English to build our own thought skills, but I sure hope I will think things through when people are actually critiquing my behavior.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Alright, I'm done blogging about pointless things, like pretty pink jackets I got on sale.

I have been confronted with the harsh reality that many Christians are living very lukewarm, comfortable lives. People show up to church because it's "what we do", not expecting anything other than to chat with their friends before, after, and sometimes during the service. I myself have discovered that I do not go to church seeking to be lovingly kicked in the rear. It feels good to be in an accepting, comfortable place.... but is that what church is supposed to be? Coming under God's conviction is the most uncomfortable place a person could be, and I am convinced that people are not perfect. Whatever happened to people being excited to open up the Word of God? Why don't people jump at the opportunity to talk about our Savior? What can possibly be wrong with hearing where we need to change to glorify God? I don't know if any of this is making sense, but I still feel there is a horrible deadness in church. I feel it in Sunday school, I see it when people criticize the worship team, and I recognize it when everyone plans out their whole entertainment-filled day one minute after the benediction. Where has the joy gone? Lord, please, light the fire again!

Good bye, deep freeze!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Hello, everyone! We are now officially out of the deep freeze! It's a balmy -4 degrees outside, and it's never felt so good.

On a different note, Kristy and I participated in our debate entitled "Canada is the best country in the world". I think our arguments were strong and well put together, but we were weak on the war front. Ironically, we were actually arguing against the German exchange student, which was not planned! It was a landslide, of course, with the entire class siding with the Canadians (who would dare to be so unpatriotic?). I think I'll quite enjoy this whole debating unit. Now that the hard work is done, all I have to do is sit back and observe other debates, such as "Fat people are happier" and "dueling is a sensible way to settle an argument." What fun!
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