because I feel like I'm overdosing on his cuteness

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I want to share some of it with you.
{if you look closely you'll see that I caught him in some spit-up action}

{although his NEW BUMBO SEAT is exciting, his fist is more-so} 

That is all.

hopefully the last update I'll feel compelled to give

Friday, May 28, 2010

We just got back from the clinic.  The results? Judah has gained 9 ounces in as many days (so that would make him 10 lb 13 oz).  That is exactly what he should gain, praise the Lord.  Thanks for praying, guys.

I just looked over to see the Cuteness smiling in his sleep.  He (finally) fell asleep in the car, and I'm not waking him up for the world.  So, yes, that means he's slumbering safely buckled into his car seat.  Hey, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do, yes?

I am so emotionally drained.  It was such a rough morning.  The Cuteness got so worked up over everything - even taking a bath.  Sometimes I wish he was just a teensy bit  older so that I could tell him that mommy's here, everything is going to be all right!  and it would actually make things better.  At this point he's just inconsolable.  I'm sure it's just a phase?

Oh, and the mommy got so worked up over everything.  I may have gently squeezed frantically pounded a couple pillows flat this morning.  But, hey, don't worry, God used those extremely low moments to bring  me to a point of submission, confession, and repentance.  Sometimes it takes a lot to get through to me, I tell ya.

So, yes. Things are going better.  Apparently my methods are still "too textbook".   Or are they not "textbook"?  Which textbook am I supposed to use, anyways?  Now that I know the Cuteness is finally getting enough, I need to find ways to, you know, have time in the day.  As it is I feed him for an hour, entertain him for 15 minutes, and then attempt to put him to bed for 45 minutes (and usually fail).  Lather, rinse Repeat.  THAT is why I only get around to washing diapers when there is only one diaper left.  THAT is why my house looks the way it does.  But I'm willing to stick with it if that's what it takes to keep this little guy healthy.  

Ahhh... sweet silence.  Too bad I have to ruin it by switching over a load of laundry.

short on words

I cannot express to you, readers, just how much I have been impacted by the support I’ve been shown by you.  Every email, every message, every conversation has blessed me so much.  Our God is a god who hears—and His people have been praying.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Whatever the results are today, I know God is faithful.  And, like many of you have said, formula isn’t the end of all things.  I’m pretty sure that Judah’s been getting more food than before, but if he hasn’t been, it’s not my failure as a mother.

Your words have set me straight

If, at any time, you would like to send me a message that doesn’t appear in the “comments” section, please use the “contact” tab above.  Your message will get to me directly, and I will respond directly. 

Our God is awesome.  He is faithful.  He is just.  And He gives good gifts to His children—though sometimes the packaging bewilders us.

Only by faith,
Andrea Sawatzky

we're expecting a big one, folks

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Baby Weight Saga continues...
I am just a teensy bit nervous about the Cuteness' weigh-in tomorrow.  It's hard to get an exact reading on a household scale (we're talking ounces here, people), but I have reason to believe that Judah has passed the 11 pound mark.  If that is the case, then he has gained at least 12 ounces in 10 days - which is exactly what he should be gaining!  Please pray... I don't think I can handle much more of this guessing game.  Like, seriously, my nerves are on end.  I'm one cry short of pumping my baby full of formula at any given moment in the day, and if he has any trouble latching on, it feels like the end of the world.  I definitely anticipated this whole parenting thing to be a stretch, but breastfeeding?  Isn't that kind of what women were designed for?

Sigh... I know we'll get through this.  God has led us thus far, and He's not really the type to, you know, abandon those He's leading.  Do you want to know how you can pray for me?  Don't pray that BAM! everything is all hunky-dorey.  Pray that I would have faith in the One who has orchestrated it all.  

I'm much obliged to ya.

Update tomorrow!

a shift in the wrong direction

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A couple of days ago I spent some time reading through my oldest blog posts.  It was like flipping through the pages of my life, stopping to say hi to old friends, and seeing just how much I've changed over the last four years.  Yes, that's right, this blog is over four years old.  I could've done some big Four Year Anniversary Extravaganza, but, seeing as it fell somewhere in my two weeks of "overdue", I am happy to excuse myself.

During my perusing I noticed something a little grievous: this blog has slowly turned from being God-centered to self-centered.  I used to view it as another avenue in which to proclaim and testify what God Almighty has done in my life, but now I find that I really only want to broadcast me. My life. Period.  My friends, I've done you a disservice.

THE MOST important thing about me isn't me at all - it's the Lord.  He has been gracious to me, shown me favour, and endowed me with an ability to use words to proclaim His Name.  He has saved me, and what he requires of me is that I should tell the world about Him.

I am sorry, dear readers, for not holding to this calling. 

Don't get me wrong - I still plan on using my daily life for inspiration in my posts.  They will just be tempered by the knowledge that I am a sinner deserving death, yet I have received life through Christ.

To God be the glory.

a spring break

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When you work at a summer camp a pre-craziness rest is always a good idea.  We took ours this last weekend in Weyburn.  Gamma and Gampa spent some good quality time with their grandbaby, we got some rest, and Judah was as cute as ever.  See?

{the cuteness is dandled}

{the cuteness makes faces}

{the cuteness hugs Sophie}

{the cuteness plays games}

{a savior's love} repost

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I wrote this post over 4 years ago.  It touched my heart today.
There is something so precious, so mysterious about the love of Christ. Something that goes beyond the areas of understanding, calls to a part much deeper than the soul. It consumes, protects, and wipes all notions of doubt from our little minds. It's greater than faith, greater than hope. And still I hear it calling... deeper... deeper. Come to me. Find peace. Find rest for your soul. Come to me...

Those words may forever ring in my head, an endless cycle that never becomes old. It's always fresh, always a mystery. How can I know this love? How can I rest at ease if I have not explored every corner, every fold of this Majesty?

It's a journey that my flesh does not want to take. After all, I'm human, and what human can let a mystery lie unsolved? You see it in our world. TV shows of investigation, conclusion, justice. Scientists making leaps and bounds in yet another unexplored aspect of life. Information chanels, biographies, the news. We need to know. And I think that knowledge is our downfall.

But this isn't about us. This can never be about us. Love is about Christ. Love is Christ. And, this mystery, beautiful and foreign, is one that will never be solved until we bow before the throne of Christ. Until that day, I will seek to know more of this mystery as Christ has sought for me.

of creation

Saturday, May 22, 2010

home tour

Friday, May 21, 2010

{tv trays scream elegance, do they not?}

{no, you cannot have our green stove}

{don't be fooled by the cactus. it's dead.}

{sheba has her own little corner}

{the bed has not been made as nice since the cuteness came along}

{all for the cuteness}

my boys

I had forgotten what it was like

to grow up in my household—“household” meaning my dad, my mom, and myself.  Oh, and don’t forget the cat.  I am surprised that I even survived. 

Here is a sample of my family’s craziness:

My dad discovered  GarageBand for the first time this morning.  In the midst of his throat-gurgling, falsetto-slaughtering hilarity, my mom walks out of the bedroom, wieners curls and all, and cries, “Harley, you sound like Sesame Street on crack!”

The sad thing was that it was true.

Oh, how I love my family.  I hope that Judah learns to be as laid-back and jovial as my parents are.  Really, being serious is seriously boring.  I wouldn’t trade my memories of my perfectly composed wild dancing dad and my docile and serene practical joking mom for anything.  And I don’t think I'm really THAT strange because of it.  (You don’t have to comment on that.)

{Judah update}

After much deliberation, Joey and I decided to go ahead and buy a manual breast pump. Ohmyword what a good idea that was!  Make what jokes you will about me being a human cow, but this little gizmo is revolutionizing our feeding process, letmetellyou!
For example:
  • we didn’t have to stop to breastfeed our baby on our trip to Weyburn
  • I actually KNOW that Judah is getting enough to eat
  • Joey gets to share in the joy of feeding our child
  • AND I’m increasing my milk supply!
All around, this is a superb change of events for us.  We are looking forward to next week’s check-up.  Keep praying! 

I leave you with a picture of my handsome husby and his charming little munchkin. 

drum-roll, please

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Okay, everyone, Judah gets weighed today.  Thanks to those who have prayed.  I'm anxious--I definitely want to see a bigger number today!  Joey and I think he's chubbed up somewhat, but I don't know if we see it because it's actually there, or because that's what we desire most in the world right now.  I'll keep you posted.

The results are better, but still not the best.  He only gained 3 ounces (but I don't necessarily trust the scale), which is about half of what he should be gaining.  Now I have to actually devote 99% of my time to breast feeding.  As in my baby, who takes 1 hour to eat, needs to be fed every 2 hours.  And nap times need to fit in there somehow.  And I won't let myself nurse him to sleep.  And he needs time to be stimulated by yours truly.  So, I hope husby is willing to cook and be content with myriads of dust-bunnies dust-cats, because life is nearly going to go on hold for a little while.

You know what? I'm starting to get really worn down by the bajillion different "proper" ways to raise my child.  I don't even know what I'm supposed to do anymore.

The scary thing is that I'm starting to lose faith. I don't want that.  I want to keep trusting God because I am convinced that He is the only one that actually knows the perfect parenting process.  I need to trust in Him continually.

Prayers appreciated.

judah's bane

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I admit that my last post was a little bit melancholy. 

To lighten the mood, I will share with you the Cute, the Fun, and the Sleepy.

{the Cute}

{the Fun}

{the Sleepy}

{Oh, and the WhyIOtta}

oh my baby, why the fuss?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

After a refreshing internet break, I am back.  Well, sort of back.  I’m only on the internet because I need to email some camp shirt designs to our printer.  But, since my internet is deathly slow and the upload will take DAYS (that might be an exaggeration), I figured I’d take the opportunity to write a short update.

Things in this crazy house have been, well, crazy lately.  At the urging of my husband, my friend, and my mom, I went on a women’s retreat a couple of weekends ago.  Judah was doted on by 20 different ladies the whole time, and HE LOVED IT.  He handled the trip way better than I expected—and by that I mean that he went to sleep without fussing every time I put him down, he slept all through the night, and he was even happy to let people other than myself hold him.  I really felt like we turned a corner in this little gaffer’s career.  Things were looking up.

Or so I thought. 

How’s that for an ominous overtone?

Judah has not been weighed in 4-5 weeks.  We just assumed that he was doing well because of how happy he’s been lately.  I mean, come on, a smiling baby is a healthy baby, right?  And those 0-3 month sleepers? Yeah, they’re totally becoming yesterday’s news.  Things MUST be going well.

God orchestrated a timely appointment for my baby boy.

Our public health nurse phoned me up two days ago and requested that Judah come in for a weight check.  Because we are without a scale (except for the Wii fit, which hasn’t seemed too appealing of a pastime lately), I was happy to drive to MacGregor for the check-up. 

Things were going well.  PHN was pleased with his interaction, his habits seemed normal, and, let’s face it, he just looks so happy!  We stripped him down to his birthday suit (sorry, bud) and set him on the scale.  I was busily cleaning up his soiled diaper when I heard it:

“You weigh 10 pounds, 1 ounce!”

“Uh…” ahem ahem, “that’s, uh, less than he was before. Yeah. Uh, 11 ounces less than he was 5 weeks ago.”  My mother’s heart was going pitter-patter, letmetellyou.  How could my baby have dropped weight? Isn’t he supposed to be growing? What in the world am I doing wrong? IS HE GOING TO DIE?!?!?
Things are so much scarier when you’re a new mom.

PHN informed me that I have not been feeding my baby enough.  Ouch.  That’s a blow.  I feel like I have been starving my baby.  I haven’t, I swear.  I’ve tried so hard to set up routine for baby, to make sure he has good long feeding times, and to get him to sleep so he gets lots and lots of z’s.  And now I find out that my best just isn’t good enough. 

So, now we’ve had to completely rearrange our schedule, which means later bed times and earlier mornings in order to accommodate more feedings in a day.  The first day was hard—my body was used to being on a 3 hour schedule, NOT a 2.5 hour schedule.  There were many frantic baby moments that day.  And many frantic mommy moments. 

It’s not going too bad now, but I’m afraid, so afraid, that my baby is still dropping.  I am finding it very difficult to trust in God when I see my tiny little son suffer.  One more week of not gaining weight, and he will have that wonderful label tacked on him: failure to thrive.  No, not my baby!

I know that having a baby is the biggest test of faith that God has ever sent my way.  I praise Him for baby daily, which means that I should also trust baby with Him daily.  I am praying that God gives me the strength, and praying that my baby boy continues to grow—to grow into a man of God. 

I’ll keep you up-to-date on his well-being.
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