the city will be forsaken

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Joey and I are certain of God's calling in our lives.  Yesterday we found out that Joey has been officially accepted as the assistant director at Valley View Bible Camp.  Waiting on the Lord seemed to be taxing my patience, but now that the answer has come, I'm realizing that we actually didn't have to wait that long.  Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness!  

After putting around the house for a few hours, mopping floors and doing absolutely anything we could to take our minds off the board meeting that would decide our fate, I suggested to Joey that we pray.  Nestled into each other on the couch, we bowed our heads and Joey led out.  His prayer was short and nearly painful in its passion.  He struggled with words, and ended with, "God, I don't even know what to say right now..." The phone rang as soon as he trailed off...  One word: yes!

Now we are going to enter a VERY busy month-or-so... moving takes time.  Oh, and I suppose we'll need to find a place to live before we move, won't we?


  1. You're leaving me???? I know this will be way better than Joey's ridiculous hours of cooking. But now I have to make friends. And buy a Wii.

    That aside. Good for both of you.

  2. Jordan, just come and cook at Valley View for the summer! We need a cook...

    And thanks. We are excited!

    Come hang out soon.


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