I've never been this homesick before

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm sitting in the kitchen at camp with a happy boy who's slurping mushroom soup. Conner doesn't like mushrooms, but he's always very quick to defend his appetite for the soup that bears the name because "it doesn't actually taste like mushrooms!" I enjoy the time I get to spend with this kid.

Today was a day of janitorial duties--like sweeping and mopping the dining hall, kitchen, and main hallway floors, vacuuming the entire second level, cleaning up messiness that gets overlooked during the week. Camp season is nearly upon us! Promotion Sunday will take us by storm, and then we'll be hopelessly lost in the middle of IT. Despite the natural oh-my-there's-no-time-left-to-plan reaction, I'm really looking forward to the summer. Bring on the campers---and please, PLEASE bring on the warm weather! (sometime? SOON??)

Last weekend Joey and I went to Saskatoon for a wedding of a friend of mine from Millar. I've decided that road trips are simply marvelous--on a double-lane highway. I'd rather not have any more near-death experiences, thank you. I'm convinced that some people actually believe that they can win in a head on collision. Sheesh. The wedding was splendid, but the company I kept was even better. Hubby and I did a little shopping at Old Narvey... I mean Old Navy... ate a little green peppercorn cheese & wasabi peas... and drove through a town engraved deep in my memory.

Oh, on a side note, isn't it strange how everything seems so MASSIVE and AWESOME when you're little? And then you see those things when you're all growed-up, they really don't look impressive at all. In fact, they seem quite disappointing. I wish I still had the ability to think everything is cool. Anyways... back to our trip...

During a pit stop in Yorkton, Joey observed an elderly fellow teaching a young gaffer NOT---let me repeat that---NOT to wash his hands after using the facilities. That is nearly nauseating. Ewww. It is so gross that I'm going to stop talking about it at this moment.

In other news, Joey and I have been studying up on the Emerging/Emergent Church. What to say, except that there is a lot of twisted theology lying behind many of the hip new preachers and authors that are being so widely publicized. It is vitally important to research where a person stands on foundational Christian beliefs before you start to promote him/her all willy-nilly! I suggest checking out lighthousetrailsresearch.com and challies.com for more info on this postmodern fad.

Hmmm... It's 5:51, my back is aching because of poor posture, and it's FRIDAY. So...

The End.


  1. Ask Joey if those are the wasabi peas we bought at Bargain Barn.

  2. Same style, but bought at Sobeys.


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