
Saturday, September 01, 2012

Judah and Lucy (my niece!) spent all day finding edible treasures in their grandparents' yard.

My nephew is squishy and smiley and pretty much everything you could want in a baby.

My BIL and MIL made this superb beet borscht. 


Aaaaand... where there is beet borscht, there are beets. Where there are beets, there are beet greens.

Where there are beet greens, there is this amazing dish called beetniks just DYING to be made and consumed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea!
    Well, I googled, 'Biblical motherhood' tonight and your blog game up on Google search. It's late at night here in Australia and I was just looking to do a quick 'surf' before winding down. I must say I am glad I took the time out to do this tonight (Just fit in a late night hair app with the neighbour and needed some encouragement as my four little men have given me a workout today! :)) Just wanted to say Hi all the way from oz, your photos are amazing and love your posts. Thankyou and God Bless


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