Oh how joyfully!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The morning of present opening has come and gone, but we are still joyfully celebrating this season of remembrance in this house. I am trying my hardest to make Christmas about more than just the presents. Getting things is definitely fun, and giving things is even better, but Christmas is about something entirely different than presents. It's about God being faithful to His promise to send a Redeemer to a broken world. It's about the life of that Redeemer - that humble, sinless, world-changing life. It's about the hope we have that Christ will come again, put all to right, put an end to Satan's reign, and take us to live in His presence for ever. Presents play a minuscule part, if any part at all. We give gifts of love to each other because we have been given the greatest gift of all: the complete erasing of our sins if we believe on Jesus Christ.

That being said, all I have to show you of our Christmas is pictures of my boys getting presents. Ha! It's just so much fun to watch their faces as they explore the wonderful new things we've given them. I hope they remember the joy of these times, but when they are old enough, I hope they come to love our Saviour more than those momentary warm fuzzies.

The boys were thrilled to get a set of play food.

porcupine puppet & a play banana!

Judah is a big boy with a big boy backpack.

Benjamin gets yet ANOTHER set of toys that stack!

I think Grandma blew Judah's mind.

Benjamin is stacking things. He is in his happy place.

To infinity, and beyond! (Cheesy toddler smile photobomb).

1 comment:

  1. That playfood set has gotten a ton of mileage at our house. It's a winner.


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