a weekend reunion

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

We finally made it back to our old stomping grounds to visit family, celebrate three birthdays, and show off Lydia. It was a) so much fun, b) way too short, and c) exhausting. It's not easy travelling with little ones, even if you know the place you're headed feels like home. Sometimes we can come back feeling so distant from our kids and completely unable to hop back into routine again. This time was different, though. I feel like I was able to bond with both of my boys (bonding with Lydia is a given for me at this point) while we visited other loved ones, and that is very important to me. I feel both sad to leave and happy to be home at the same time. It's just the right mix of emotions.

Apparently I have given up on the writing of words on this here blog. Pictures communicate so much more than I can these days. I feel completely unable to string together a coherent sentence on a regular basis (mommy brain?). So, I will leave you with the weekend from the vantage point of my camera. And, I apologize if it bothers you, but I was totes feeling the black and white action.


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