on cancer

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

The cares of this world have felt like they've been suffocating me. I'm pretty sure that's normal, though, when one's mother is diagnosed with cancer. My silence about it on this blog has not been borne of an apathetic attitude towards it. It's just so. hard. to. think. when it feels like your world has been shaken so that nothing is where it used to be. 

Harder than the diagnosis, however, is seeing my mom go through chemo. One of her nurses described it simply and effectively: "What we're putting into your veins will either kill you, or cure you!" 

No wonder it's so hard to wrap my mind around it.

Even so, God is good. No, seriously. I mean that with all of my being. 

He's good because he never promised a life devoid of hardship; He isn't breaking His vow concerning my mother. At all. His refining fire has come to her in the form of cancer. And He will be her strength, just as He always has been in the past.

He is good because He has been preparing her for this for many months. She's met with people battling the same cancer before she was even sure she had it. He enabled her to meet it with acceptance and praise. Surely that is not something her human heart could conceive without divine intervention.

And, He is good because He, Jesus Christ, has already suffered in her stead for the true Cancer leading to death: Sin. 

I pray that God would give me the same strength and certainty so that I, too, will be able to praise Him in this storm.

1 comment:

  1. Prayed now for you...and will continue to as you come to mind.


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