those devilish little pearly whites

Friday, April 13, 2012

I call this one "Teething" :
Can't you just imagine the volume that accompanies this picture? 

Sigh. Benji is in full-on teething mode. He cut a tooth sometime last week, which has not brought any relief because there's at least one more tooth that has yet to break the skin. He is screechy, impatient, and grumpy. He wants to eat all the time. He never seems to get into a deep sleep, so he's exhausted (and exhausting).

Despite all of that, he's still my precious little baby boy. He still gives awesome smiles and contented cuddles. I heart him ever so much.

In other news, Joey and I decided to throw in the towel on the boys sharing a room - at least for the time being. It was a party in there! every night! until 9:30! and it made the boys grumpy to match! They just love each other way too much to sleep, which is a bitter-sweet problem to have. So now the "office" has been moved to our (admittedly massive) bedroom, and our sleepy-time routines have been reestablished. Hooray for normalcy!

Seriously. As soon as I think I've "figured out" this parenting thing, a wrench is thrown into the situation and suddenly I feel like I have a newborn again. I am so very thankful that God (through His word) has been giving me the strength to face each day. Never have I been more aware of His provision than I am now. I am also so very thankful for my husband - my bestest friend and constant support!


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