through his eyes

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Judah does so many things in a day that make Joey and I crack up.

I was listening to my daily four hours of classical music (Thanks, CBC Radio 2), when an uncommonly doomy and gloomy song came on. Judah ran over to the radio, exclaiming “Oh no! Oh no!” and proceeded to mash buttons until he got it to stop.

Judah has this never failing hope that we have “cakes” in our fridge. When he’s asking for something to eat, you can be assured that he will ask you for “cakes”. I’m not entirely sure what he is referring to, but it makes me laugh every time. Then he laughs. I told him that we are not hobbits, therefore we don’t keep a constant supply of cakes laying around.

If you ever come to visit us, I must warn you that when you hear him exclaim “TATCH!”, you are about to get something whipped at your face. Do not fear, it’s usually soft – but I make no promises. 

Judah is in the information-overload-toddler stage. This means that everything anybody does is get’s a live-coverage narration. “Wash-a-hans, Mommy. Wash-a-hans? Mommy wash-a-hans!” It is entirely too cute. He’s putting things together in his mind, and he just can’t help but let it escape from his mouth.

Upon hearing a baby wailing in Walmart the other day, Judah went into big-brother-fix-it mode. “Nap time? Nap time?” he asked, cocking his head to one side and looking at me intently. “You’re right. Maybe that baby needs a nap time” I responded. He looked back at the crying child, then back at me. “Change a bum?” The way his little voice gets so high when he’s asking a question is amusing. “Yeah, maybe he needs a bum change.” As I was obviously unwilling to go change a stranger’s baby’s diaper, Judah had to endure listening to the unresolved cries until we left. I think it nearly did him in.

And then, on this gloomy day when he wasn’t really feeling 100%, he decided that he did not need lunch and went and put himself down for a nap.

Oh, my little baby, you are quickly becoming a person all your own.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the whole will-of-their-own thing, I personally believe that 2 is the BEST.


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