raining on my own parade

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dear Readers,

It's not that exciting things aren't happening in this house. They are.
It's not that I'm depressed and unable to write anything happy and worth reading. I'm not.
It's not that I no longer see the value in putting my thoughts to words. I do.

Here's the thing: I'm sick of tooting my own horn. I feel like, somewhere along the line, this blog has transitioned from my own, unique little soapbox to the place where it seems like I'm always behind and always out of ideas. It's a place where I'm constantly trying to keep up with my idea of what a blogger should be...

Real bloggers post regularly. 
Real bloggers try to engage their readers.
Real bloggers have an aesthetically-pleasing blog. 
Real bloggers do everything themselves.
Real bloggers thrill to share their wealth of DIYing wisdom with the uneducated masses.
Real bloggers have an Etsy shop. What's more, a successful Etsy shop.
Real bloggers' pictures are never blurry, 
their posts are never more than four paragraphs,
they never ramble, they're always eloquent...
and even their bedhead is fashionable. 

It's kind of ridiculous to look at that list and realize that I have been "ensnared" by this mainstream blog hysteria! Not that I have been successful in replicating these things... but I stress over them all the same.


I am fed up with myself for being so caught up in this narcissistic* fad. As a Christian, a child of God, there should be ONE person and ONE goal of everything I do: to bring glory to the Lord God. By constantly posting my successes, the beauty of my life, the things I do in a day, or even the things my kids do in a day that I find so clever/endearing/noteworthy/above-the-rest, I can't really say that I've been doing that. 

So. I'm here to tell you that this blog will still endure, but you'll notice a domain change sometime in the near future (I'll keep you posted). You can expect infrequency, but you can also expect a little more depth than this blog has been characterized by as of late. 

It's a terrifying thing to imagine standing before the judgment seat of Christ and only being able to say "Look, Lord, see my blog?"

"He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).


*At the core of extreme narcissism is egotistical preoccupation with self, personal preferences, aspirations, needs, success, and how he/she is perceived by others. (from psychcentral.com)


  1. I've been struggling with much of the same things. Thank you for being bold and sharing your heart. I look forward to the changes! (and, for the record, I have always loved and been inspired by your words. Truly!!) xoxo

  2. Your enthusiasm for completing a task or learning how to do something new isn’t wrong in itself. You simply must thank & look to the One who gave you that:
    mind to learn & achieve,
    hands to grasp & hold,
    legs to steady you & support you,
    feet that help take you where you need to be in the moment,
    that heart that beats so all this and more keeps going,
    that spirit & soul that reflect the Creator whose image you were made in,
    and most importantly the Spirit who has been given to you as a seal and Who is the reason you’d ever want to thank Him in the first place!
    Rom 11:36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.

  3. Very insightful words, my daughter. I support and affirm your observations and your conviction. --Dad

  4. Hi Andrea,

    I'd like to say to you that I like your blog, and it helped me to be satisfied with my role as staying home mum for some days a week; something I find rather hard to deal with. Reading in your posts helped me to see my life in the right perspective. I read about that we are all sinners and there is nothing we can say about that that is our right or are our merits, because we only are servants and we only did wat we had to. That helps me while cleaning the bathroom And trying to keep my baby calm and happy.

    If your blog was only about you, then it didn't give a view on what our lives have to be.

    Thank you from Holland.


    1. Thank you, Lydia, for your kind comment. I suppose what I am struggling with most of all is my own heart. I've been the kind of girl that has known all the right answers all of my life. When I sit down and blog these things, then walk away and feel like I am doing the exact opposite, I make a mockery of the gospel. I am truly grateful that God has chosen to use my blog despite my own wandering heart. The last thing I want to do is give people an incorrect impression of who God is.

      By the way, I love your name. :)


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