how much wood would a wood chuck chuck...?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, it's been a while! Do you know what it's like to get into a writing slump? Yeah, well, that's what I had. I just didn't want to do it. Now I feel completely overwhelmed because there is so much stuff to catch up on!

The first news, and of most importance, is that I am no longer living in Manitoba. I followed my family to Regina on Tuesday this week, and I am happy to say that I finally feel at home. It was extremely hard to leave MacGregor... namely because of leaving my boyfriend, all my close friends, and my other "family" there. But it was a necessary thing at this time, and I'm glad for the chance to spend some quality time with the rest of my family. You never know how much time I'll get with them after this year...

Secondly, wasn't the Banjo Bowl disappointing? I mean, come on Rough Riders, you should know how to catch a ball. And the Ref? Well, He should stop making up his own rules when he doesn't know what the propper call is. It was my first CFL game ever, and there wasn't even any competition between the teams. There was plenty between the fans, though. You see, it's only they crazy Rough Rider fans that travel to all the games. They were all dressed up in green and white, and, yes, some were even wearing mellons on their heads. Doesn't that just invite criticism?? It was a good experience, nonetheless--the people I was with made up for the shortcomings of the Green Team.

Third on my list... My aunt got West Nile! GASP! This is the kind of thing you read about in the not-so-trustworthy newspapers! Yes, folks, it actually exists. She had all the flu symptoms on top of always feeling like things were crawling on her. I'm not sure of the rest of the details, which is a good thing for you readers. What I find really funny, though, is the person doing follow-up with her from the Hospital. He phoned her with a list of questions, just to make sure she had fully recovered. When he got to one particular question, he stopped himself and said, "Oh, I guess I don't need to ask you that, because you're obviously alive." What was he going to do? Ask a corpse a question?? Why is that question even on there if the follow-up questions are meant to be directed to the infected person? I just have to laugh... and hope that it doesn't reflect on the quality of health care people receive.

Well, that's my rant for today. My foot's loss of propper circulation is informing me that it's high time to get off my butt and start doing something productive.


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