Sleep doth not cometh

Monday, September 24, 2007

Wow, I just lost the hearing in my left ear... okay, it's back.

Well, it's late, and I can't fall asleep. I've had a good day... Sara and Sarah came to visit us, and it is quite a pleasant change. I've missed my "sister"!

God's been putting his hand heavy on my heart, and I just can't seem to quiet my thoughts. I was convicted about my complacency today. If God's going to use me, then I must rid myself of all impurities. It seems like my perspective's been off as of late. I've haven't been doing devos and praying for the right reasons. I think I forgot that this relationship is focused on God, and not myself. It was a good reminder, one I hope not to forget too soon.

Ahhhh... I think I should try to go to sleep. I can hear the night crowd outside whistling to eachother on the street, so it would be a good idea to sleep before I hear something I don't want to.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrea, totally unrelated to your last post...but, need to share a thrill. Last night Rachel and I found 4 new baby kittens, from "Mama" cat.They are maybe a month old?. We didn't even know for sure if she'd had babies...what a surprise blessing!!! They are soooo cute, and soft, and fluffy! We were able to hold them all, but they're a bit wild. Thought this news would thrill you also.


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