Attack of the Tumbleweeds!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am back from my brief trip to Manitoba. As much as I like to say "I'm a Saskatchewan girl at heart", I really do like Manitoba. Maybe even a little more than Saskatchewan. That's still under debate, though.

Anyways, here's the real point of today's post. Regina is a very unique city. It seems that you can always find things in/near Regina that are a little out of place. For example, you can come and see the "twin towers", which are still standing, or take a little side trip and see the Saskatchewan mountains (when you see them, you'll believe). If you happen to enter some forbidden barn, you may find yourself assaulted by vultures. And, while your at it, why not get mauled by a pack of Red Wolves, which only exist in south-central Saskatchewan? Oh, and here's the new addition: while driving into Regina on a windy day, you may want to play Frogger with the tumbleweeds.

Let me explain. Upon arriving in the Regina municipality, we were brutally attacked by hundreds of RAGING TUMBLEWEEDS! We had them stuck to the front of our car, as did every other driver around us. One hit the right headlight at such a speed that part of it pierced the rubber seal around the glass and was stuck in at least two inches. It was so windy today that these wimpy tangles of weeds turned into potentially lethal weapons. It was quite a site!

So, while I sit and try to think of other bizarre things to make Regina sound more interesting, you'd better go and have a better evening than you'd have reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to check out the new blog at


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