muddying the water

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I was intending to blog something grand today, but now that I'm sitting here at this computer, I have no desire. That seems to be the story of my life, at least these days. I've got lots of good intentions, but they rarely come to pass. Maybe it's just laziness, or maybe it's something a little deeper. Whatever it is, it's got me down on myself. It's just so confusing! But that's what the enemy does, isn't it? He confuses, muddies the water, mixes black and white together. If you are reading this and you can identify in any way, it would be really nice to hear your side, to hear that I am not alone. I know there are things that run under the surface of those who follow Christ that need to be dealt with. Wearing a smile can only hide it for so long.


  1. I think when you are studying deep and theological truths, day in and day out, you use up a lot of your creative juices, so blogging becomes more difficult. We like the simple, fun posts too! Don't be too hard on yourself. These could be your best years yet! May God continue to work in you and grow you into the vessel He desires you to be.

  2. I love to write. . . I love to blog, but whenever I write something I never know whether it will be the last thing that I write. I don't know how to do this on my own. I try to write without inspiration and it doesn't work. I cannot just sit down and do it merely because I am in the mood. I try, but all I have are many false starts, dead ends, or dry holes if you will to show for my 'dry' efforts. When my inspiration hits, I can scarcely type fast enough to keep up with the flood of ideas springing forth. It is a strange thing. I enjoy your writings.

  3. hey andrea, its max!!
    I wrote you a mail some time ago and you didnt answer. So ill just take the chance to contact you here;)
    do you have a new email-adress? if you do, can you send it to me somehow...?

  4. Hi Andrea,
    I am a fellow Christian blogger in Calgary, Alberta. I too wrestle with what to say on my blog from day to day and with my own feelings of inadequacy and procrastination. Being a Christian sure has its shares of ups and downs. I have been going through a rather dry spell lately and its good to know I am not the only one who feels the way that you have described. But I like the title of your blog. It sure sums up a good argument for our down times. I also feel like a pretender at times, wearing a smile on the outside, but feeling like crap on the inside. But, "hope does not disappoint." In Jesus we know that we have an assurance that goes much deeper than our facades or our feelings. Please feel free to visit my blog and leave a comment or two. I hope my words can be as an encouragement to you as yours have been to me. I have also added you to my blogroll and would appreciate being added to yours, if you so desire. Thank you and blessings to you this day.
    In Christ,

  5. Hi there

    I hope u don't if I share a little something....
    Go to google, type in, God of wonders, its by Chris Tomlin. I usually listen to music or watch those christian videos, it brings u up in no time.

    God bless!


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