It's been a while...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hello to all who read my blog. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I actually didn't think it had been that long until I actually looked at the date of my last post .

Much has gone on in the last three weeks! I have been incredibly busy with writing papers, reading books, and going to end-of-semester parties. There have been so many demands on my time. Too much, I fear. I hardly have time to breathe, it seems. Now I find myself 15 hours away from my first of five final exams--what am I doing sitting at a computer, I ask myself. I don't even know how to answer that right now.

Yesterday I had the unpleasant experience of catching the flu. I think it's still lingering, and it has made me quite miserable! I've been homesick for the last two weeks, and this sickness is the icing on the cake. I want to go home! I want to be with my family and enjoy this warm weather. As good as it is to be here, I desire to be with those I love.

I've been contemplating a lot of things lately. I'm not a terribly introspective person, but I do get those moments where everything has some underlying meaning and I'm lost in the mystery of what that is. That's been my week. The topic on my mind: conviction. I know that Lord has put certain things on my heart--things I need to do, things I should abstain from, things I need to prepare for. It interests me how God gives His children different convictions. I can have strong views about something that a close friend will never share. Why is that? A lot of times it frustrates me--if the world just thought as I did, we'd all get along. Maybe God puts those people in my life to keep my feet on the ground. They remind me that I'm not as high and mighty as I'd like to think. I don't believe my convictions are wrong, and often I don't think my friend's convictions are wrong either. So what's the middle ground? Is there a middle ground? I'm a person that sees everything as black and white. Middle ground to me is a place where people lose their passion, where the Spirit is quenched. So how is it that I often don't see things as others see them, when they are Christians, too? Maybe it's because I major on the minors.

I'm still sifting through thoughts right now. I know where I stand on certain issues, and God has not given me any reason why I should be ashamed of my convictions. Now the tricky part is to find the place where I can speak the truth in love. I think that is one of the hardest commandments to follow--at least for me.


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