a long day

Monday, June 07, 2010

I've finally discovered the most helpless feeling in the world: having a sick baby and being able to do nothing about it.  The Cuteness is just so small and seems so fragile.  Why, oh why does he have to have such a violent little cough?  I know he's sick--I know it when he can't finish a feeding without falling into a heavy sleep.  I know it when I see that look (and not to mention that cry) of pain and frustration after every coughing fit.  I know it when I hear him sucking through his stuffy little nose.

The sad thing is that the professionals don't think so.  After 2.5 hours in a scary walk-in clinic, we left with nothing but false assurance and a day with 2.5 hours less in it.  The doctor should have been out in the waiting room with us.  Or he could have just interviewed the other people waiting.

I'm not going to go on a rant about our health care system because I know that the doctors are doing the best they can.  I just wish I would be believed when I say, Please, please, my baby is sick.  

Being a mom is tough stuff.


Joy comes in the morning!  It was a rough night, but we pulled through all right.  Nasal aspirators are wonderful inventions, although the Cuteness may not agree.  Do not fear, my baby is ok.  


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