out with the old

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sometimes I can become a little obsessed about things - particularly artsy things.  You can imagine, then, what could possibly follow when I made one of these for the first time:

I know. Instant addiction, right there. Flashbacks of my childhood and what it could have been had I known how to make origami cranes.  Having this new-found love for all things paper and foldy, I wasted no time in trying to buy some beautiful formerly-a-tree goods to get a kick-start on this new hobby.  That's when I saw it. IT:

and I decided I could not possibly live without it.  Being completely unwilling to pay the $100 this little dohickey would cost, I resolved that I would make it if it's the last thing I do.  Supplies were bought, my living room completely transformed into a war zone, and I was far too excited to get folding a bajillion paper cranes.

As you can see, I had to be a little creative in my work space.  It was all worth it in the end, even the freakishly tedious balancing of EVERY SINGLE CRANE.  Ahem.  Behold!

Please note the absolutely awestruck expression on my baby's face.  He is beholding.

And then the Cuteness smiled.  And giggled.  And smiled some more.

THAT was the best thing I could have ever wished for.

P.S. The entire project came to less than $10. 


  1. Wow, Andy, that thing is incredible! And obviously baby thinks so, too! Thanks for sharing this cute story!

  2. awww. Cute baby and beautiful cranes... love the colors against the orange wall. Yummmmm Mary KG

  3. That is freaking awesome. I love it.

  4. Oh boy! Remind me to employ you to make me a crane mobile when I have a baby! And yah, I'll pay! So amazing, Andrea!

  5. Thanks! Criston-I'd be glad to make one. I think I'd have to deliver it in person, though, because I have no idea how to ship it. :)

  6. That crane mobile is amazing it would have cost 100$ to buy 0_0 that's crazy. I think your's looks better anyway. And btw your blog looks really cool

  7. Thanks, Meghan. I guess I should specify that the mobile would cost $75 in itself, but with shipping I estimated it to be $100. Still a pretty penny, though. :)


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