while I wish he was napping

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I think it's about time that I give an update on life in general around this crazy house.

Our little piece of property has seen some updates during the last two weeks.  Manitoba Hydro offers to pay a certain amount to get houses re-insulated (something to do with lower heating bills, perhaps?), and we've benefited from this grant.
So, our house is completely blue right now--we're just waiting for siding.  We also got a heap more insulation blown into our attic.  It hasn't been long enough to get a good comparison, but we think it's definitely quieter in the house.  That and the heat only comes on once a day.  Yes, I think it has helped.

The Cuteness is cute, as always.  Although, he's developed this nasty habit of standing up in his crib when he should be napping that is starting to get a little old.  Actually, it was old the first time he tried it.  I've gone all old school on him and actually swaddled the tar out of him.  I'm unsure of the results, but it sounds like he's finally succumbed to sleep.  Maybe I'm just taking this harder than I should be because he's been having great TWO HOUR NAPS--every nap, every day--for the last week.  Oh, the productivity!  Sadly, no more.

Nausea has been my close companion for the last couple of days.  Yes, I know what you are all thinking, but, NO.  Joey and I both felt horrible on Sunday evening for some strange reason, and I've just retained the feeling a bit longer than he has.  End of story!  Despite this, I have had many amazing bursts of energy this week.  We're talking cleaning the house every day, and actually keeping up on laundry.  I know.  Supermom.  *cough*

Joseph is a very busy boy man.  Really, keeping 80 acres of rolling prairie under control is quite the task.  This ain't just some farmer's back 40; it's a ministry that runs 365 days a year, non-stop.  I admire his stick-to-it-iveness greatly.

And... I think that's it for news.  I'll think of 50 other things I could have told you buy the time I close my browser, but, whatevs.


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