living on the wild side

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

We made a spur of the moment decision today!  I've always been the sort of person that must PLAN everything (down to the very last minute), so this is kind of cutting-edge for me.  There's a Bible conference happening over at my parents' church this weekend that we would love to go to.  Back around Christmas we were presented with the idea of going, but we said "February is the busiest month!" and wrote it off.  I was reminded about the conference today and found that this weekend actually is an opportune time to go.  I immediately resolved to petition my husband about it, making him promise to not say "no" right away.  As we were talking about the matter, my Mom phoned and invited us.  It helped to get that extra little nudge and didn't take much petitioning in the end.  We're looking forward to a weekend of great teaching and seeing my parents!  I'm so glad we live only four hours away from them.

In other news, I developed a nasty cough over the last two hours.  There's been this weird congestion thing in my chest for a very long time (at least two months) that has never grown into anything bigger.  Well, now it's something bigger.  The downside of colds while pregnant is NO DRUGS. The upside is that without placebos my body heals faster!  I'd rather be in more pain and get rid of the sickness sooner than prolong it just so I don't feel as miserable.

Right now I'm doing my best to ignore my baby who is fussing for no apparent reason.  Between five and seven is always kind of a touch-and-go time of day.  I wish I wasn't doing these two hours solo tonight.  But, alas, my husband is meeting with some of the camp's board members, and it also happens to be the day we're presenting said board with a very important letter.  I will not begrudge his absence.

Well, I'm thinking it's time for a big ol' mug of peppermint tea.

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