of speculation and attitude

Monday, February 07, 2011

I admit that it's a bit late, but here's my 16 week picture.

Some Many have speculated that this could be a multiple pregnancy.  At first I wasn't so sure that I liked that observation, because it's the socially acceptable way to say, "you look really big!".   I've thought and prayed about it a lot, though, because I've felt this need to be prepared if twins (or more) should be the case.

If I look at the "statistics" of our life, I get rather uneasy about the idea.

  • Judah would only be about 17 months old, which is a bit too young for him to take responsibility (just a "bit").  
  • There is no certainty that we would be in a bigger house by then, and that's a bit of a necessity.* 
  • I'm due in summer, which is a very busy season for Joey (and everyone else) at camp.  
  • I've had one brand new baby and can hardly imagine having two at once. 

*We live in >450 square feet and our "bedroom" is also our living room. Case in point. 

Like I said, the statistics are rather worrisome. 

But, as it has always been in my life, whenever I make logical decisions based upon my own understanding, the Holy Spirit always convicts me of not putting faith in Sovereign God.  He has much better statistics:

  • He's sovereign over everything - both immanent and transcendent
  • He's omniscient - He knows all that can and will happen
  • He's omnipotent - He's all powerful
  • He's omnipresent - He'll never abandon me because He's caught up in "more important" affairs

When I reflect on God's character, all of my reasons seem to fade in comparison to Almighty God.  The reality of the matter is that, yes, it would be hectic for the first while.  Hectic, but not unbearable.  I can ask for strength from God daily, and I don't have to trust merely in my own efforts.  God's also put many people around us that (I'm sure) would be willing to support us.  When my emotions fail me, I have a Refuge to run to.  When my strength fails, He will be my strength.

Really, this post is founded in speculation.  We have no way of knowing if there is more than one inside of me until our mid-way ultrasound.  I'm going to the city for a midwife appointment today, and it's entirely possible that she will agree with all of those who suspect more than one.  I'm confident that, either way, this is God's plan for us and it always has been.  He has brought the issue to our notice so that we can pray and study and ultimately discern which attitude He intends to use to bring Himself glory. 



This is definitely not a multiple pregnancy.  Last week's ultrasound confirmed that.  Blame muscle memory, blame the 15 pounds of baby weight from the Cuteness, but do not suspect more than one!


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