the haps

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I am enjoying the silence of the early afternoon nap time. Judah's slowly becoming less and less dependant on a nap to get him through the day. Today, however, he was happy to let the afternoon drowsies carry him away. 

Joey has had very little work over the last two weeks. When he first started this job, that would have given me much concern (no work = no pay). This month, however, God has provided for us so unexpectedly and so well. The first two weeks of April were full of many, many shifts - enough so that we should not be vexed financially for the rest of the month. I am also apt to believe that God has given Joey this time to be at home in lieu of my parents being on holiday for this week and the last. As much as I would like to deny it, I am physically worn out by this pregnancy. Being alone with both boys for these last two weeks would probably have been extremely difficult. 

Although Spring is officially here, our weather seems to be in complete denial of the fact. We still have snowbanks in our yard that are taller than our children. I spied the first visible strip of grass in our back yard today - hurrah! In our inability to get out and puddle jump as we would like, Joey and I have started to tackle warm-weather projects. He tuned up and sold one of his bikes so he could buy parts to fix up his other one. I have been trying to collect mismatched, solid wood chairs to refinish for our dining room. My plan is to paint them all one colour to unify them & paint the table in a contrasting colour... that, or build a new table. I have already purchased four quality chairs thanks to our city's garage sale page on Facebook. Two more to go!

My prenatal appointments are happening every week now! Baby time is close at hand! I'm finding it hard not to get anxious. I'm still hopeful that the due date I calculated based on my cycles is the actual due date, which would make me 37 weeks today. The due date given me at my 17 week ultrasound puts me at 35 weeks, 4 days. Whatever the case is, I can expect this little lady to make her exodus in roughly a month's time. I really, sincerely hope that her arrival coincides with ACTUAL Spring. What bliss it will be to go out for sunny walks around the neighbourhood! We only had time to take two such walks before winter descended on us right after we moved here. I'm quite ready to take full advantage of small city living.


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