tick tock goes the clock

Friday, April 12, 2013

It's sinking in. In less than two months we will be a family of five. Every waking moment my thoughts are consumed with this reality. I feel as though I'm only now becoming sensible to how, once again, my relationship with Judah is going to change. He will be expected to grow up again. Sometimes I wonder if it is really fair, but at the same time know that these things will all serve to build his character. I'm nervous about how my relationship with Benjamin will change as well. Right now he is the sweetest little cuddle bug and my constant shadow. I am excited for where this next phase will take him, but still so afraid of coming home from the hospital and finding a boy, not the baby I left behind.

The signs of the Big Change knocking on our door are all around us.

I am feeling stretched, physically and emotionally. It's all good, of course, but I would be lying if I said I found this easy! I am 34 weeks today, according to my ultrasound due date. I have consistently been measuring 1.5 weeks further along than that, though, which doesn't surprise me. That would put me back at my original due date of May 14. Baby may still come closer to the new date, but at least I probably won't have to worry about induction.

Since this will be our third child in roughly three years, we have most of what we need for this new little one. There were still some items to purchase, like this Ergo baby carrier. Ben & Daddy decided it needed a test drive.

We're trying our best to make use of these last days together. On this particular day, Daddy was out picking up new bunk beds during the boys' nap times. Judah's bed had been moved into Benjamin's room, so he got to nap in our bed. It was such a treat to be able to lay alongside him and remember the days when he was itty-bitty-brand-new and we would do the same.

Benjamin, my little 20-month-old, now sleeps in a big bed. It's quite comical when you realize that he only uses about a third of the space. He has completely adjusted to this new set up, even though he still has all of his toys in his room. We are so proud of him! He seems ready to grow up. (I am not ready for him to grow up.)

Look how grown up my little man is! At first he was very upset about getting a new bed, but when he saw how cool his new one was, he quickly changed his mind. It is tortuous to him not to be allowed on the top bunk. One step at a time, bud! I'd like a few years with you before you become a teenager! 


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