
Thursday, April 10, 2014

It has been a very odd winter. We've had some of the coldest temperatures I have ever experienced (-52 with the windchill) piggybacking some extremely warm days (for winter). We had a good amount of snow before Christmas, then pretty much zilch after. All of that is easily forgiven and forgotten, however, because all of our snow is GONE. It actually feels like spring out there - you don't even have to dodge puddles, dirty snowbanks, and mud! And, if you happen to be buried knee-deep in snow whilst reading this, you have my permission to cry. I was you last year. Feel free to ignore the onslaught of warm, snow-less photos that follow.

Seal baby likes the outdoors.

Singing, skipping, and flopping his sweater sleeves around. Oh, to be four again.

Judah was given a camera for his birthday. He was very excited about photographing this pump jack.

Oh, yes, he did.

I don't care how I feel about myself. I need photos with my kids. My kids need photos with me.

Look! Trees! In Saskatchewan!

She's maybe? possibly? having a good time?

Ben is unsure about this exploring business.

Matching eye squints.


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