Good bye, deep freeze!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Hello, everyone! We are now officially out of the deep freeze! It's a balmy -4 degrees outside, and it's never felt so good.

On a different note, Kristy and I participated in our debate entitled "Canada is the best country in the world". I think our arguments were strong and well put together, but we were weak on the war front. Ironically, we were actually arguing against the German exchange student, which was not planned! It was a landslide, of course, with the entire class siding with the Canadians (who would dare to be so unpatriotic?). I think I'll quite enjoy this whole debating unit. Now that the hard work is done, all I have to do is sit back and observe other debates, such as "Fat people are happier" and "dueling is a sensible way to settle an argument." What fun!

1 comment:

  1. ha ya that was a funny day, I like how you didn't express your true feelings


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