the odd couple

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I have found that date nights look quite different when you have babies.

Take last night, for example.  Joey came home and suggested that we go for a Timmies run after supper.  It wouldn't be much, but the 25 minute drive to the nearest "city" sounded like a much needed getaway to me.  After a little more discourse on the topic, we just decided to go for supper there as well.  Because dishes are just dumb when you don't have a dishwasher.

So, we insulated our small child as best as we could and hopped into a freezing car to "live a little".

It was magic. The boy fell asleep within a couple of minutes.  We talked.  We drove.  We ordered our food in the drive-through, then started to drive back.  Then I realized that hot soup in a moving car on our horrible Prairie highways is not a smart idea.  So, we pulled over on a little gravel road and enjoyed our prefab supper while the Cuteness chugged a bottle silently in the back seat.

Ok, so maybe it wasn't magic.  But it was special, as odd as it may seem.  And, to tell you the truth, I quite prefer these little, strange date nights to the over-the-top romantic ones.  Being all Prince Charming and romantic is wonderful, but simple day-to-day life has it's own charm as well.  I rather prefer finding the odd little treat in the everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Submit this to RD. they will pay you substantial amounts of money and subscriptions for a quality story for once...But I'm serious, this made me smile.


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