when will he learn that gross things are gross?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's no secret to the general public that we are a cloth diapering family.

And you should be aware that my baby is eating solid foods.

Also, it may come as a shocker to you, but when your baby soils a cloth diaper, you cannot (or should not) just throw it out.

Do you see where this is going?

I doubt that you do, actually.

Because I had one of those "mom fail" moments today.  And it had to do with cloth diapers.  And baby poo.

I changed my baby's dirty bum like a pro.  I set him lovingly on the ground and grabbed the soiled diaper to get rid of it's contents.

Said contents were plopped safely in the toilet.  And I closed the lid.

As I was rinsing all of the leftover bits from the diaper, I heard a funny little splashing noise.

I turned around to witness a frightening sight:

My baby.
Toilet lid open.
Hand in bowl.
Playing with poo.
Mom fail.

I'm splitting my gut just typing this out.

I grabbed him as if he was going to drop off a cliff and plopped him in the sink, where I abundantly supplied his little hands with soap, LATHERED LATHERED LATHERED, and rinsed.



  1. Ha ha! I nearly split my gut just reading this! By the way, when it's our turn for a baby, could you please share your cloth diapering resources with me? When we get to that point, I'd love an explanation on how it's done (and what brand you recommend!). When we get there :)

  2. For sure! Joey and I have been so happy with our diapers that we would love to share the joy with you. I learned everything from my sister-in-law who is AMAZING at researching. And the whole "living green" thing.

    Oh, and I still will make you a paper crane mobile! :)


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