taking a step back

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sometimes it's good to take a step back and assess where you are in life. It's humbling to take a moment and evaluate the attitudes you've developed, scrutinize the habits you've picked up, acknowledge your own shortcomings and apathy. Sometimes you just need to ask yourself, "how did I get here?"

If you let it, life can get away from you. You can get caught up in the day-to-day routine, keeping up with the times, and living according to other people's expectations of you. These things don't always lead us to bad places, but I think it's a smart thing to make sure you know where these things are, in fact, leading you. As Christians, we need to constantly be surrendering our lives to God's sovereign will. This takes brutal honesty and, oftentimes, the death of a dream or two.

Joey and I are taking time to evaluate where we are. Life's been motoring on full speed ever since we got married (two and a half years ago tomorrow!). At times it's felt like we've been on a lazy walk through the countryside, and at others like we're on a freight train hurtling on, heedless of what lies outside. Now that the craziness of summer camp has abated, it's like the train has come to a screeching halt and dropped us off in the middle of nowhere.

So, here we are. Re-evaluating. Getting our bearings. Finding out which direction is Up.


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