the big boy bed chronicles, v.1

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yesterday one of Joey's aunts dropped off a big boy bed for Judah. We set it up, somehow squeezing it into his tiny room along with his crib. He thought it was pretty cool, but more as a thing to occasionally climb onto and launch teddy bears from than a thing to sleep in. Today we went to town to purchase some necessary twin sheets and a comforter. We put very little thought into the pattern we chose, but when we got home it was discovered that Judah LOVED it. Oh, the giggles from that boy! He danced with glee as I made the bed and talked about just how cool his big boy bed was. When it was time for him to be tucked in, he ran to his crib, waiting to be picked up and placed in it for the night. I said, "Judah, which bed do you really want to sleep in?" and pointed to his crib, then to the new bed. He thought for a moment, laughed out loud, then ran to the bed. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try, so I tucked him in just like normal. 

That, my friends, was an hour ago. There has been nary a peep from that room since I closed the door. Perhaps his late-ish bedtime helped. Perhaps he forgot that he can actually climb out of bed. Whatever the case, this right here is one proud mama.


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