it's time to make a change

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I wonder how long it will take me to get settled into this whole "stay-at-home-mom" role. The Cuteness is 20+ months old, and I still feel like I'm floundering. I can never seem to get my priorities straight. Am I supposed to be a playmate for him? Or a housekeeper? Or the cook? I feel like all three of those things are quite capable of taking up all of my time on their own. I have been completely unable to get into a routine. Wait, I think there was one time I felt like "things" (whatever that means) were going well. I had set up a weekly to-do list. It wasn't some big, minute-by-minute agenda, but a simple "Wednesday is bathroom cleaning day" type of deal. My problem is that I have sooooooooo many things I want to accomplish that I quickly get overwhelmed and end up accomplishing nothing. Not.One. Thing. It's terribly maddening.

So... perhaps it's time to implement the one-goal-a-day plan once again. I think it would help me be less overwhelmed and leave me with the feeling that, YES, I can get things done.

How about you, friends (especially of the SAHM variety)? What are your secrets for "success"?

And now I must end this because I have a very needy, clingy toddler whose entire world is in upheaval because I am not picking him up, and a baby that needs sustenance. We'll see how this goes...


  1. I have a 27 month old, 9 month old and am 7 weeks pregnant with #3. The daily goals are a good way to go! My oldest loves to help esp. if it involves water :) He also knows that his toys need to be picked up before bed. That helps. We also really limit the amount of unnecessary stuff we allow into our house. The kids have 2 toy sets they share (trains & play farm) They also have alot of books. My Hubby and I do a general cleaning before bed typically unless we're too tired :) and two evenings out of the week we work on laundry together. The other thing I remind myself is that this phase is going to go all too soon. Some days we go to bed with a certain amount of clutter left out and when I wake up I have to immediately remind myself "this is just a season" It's not worth getting stressed about. We didn't settle into a really good routine after #2 until she was a good 6.5 months. Definitely start by setting little goals for yourself and try to include your oldest whenever possible.

  2. I think the best advice ever given to me was to find one thing to do every day that you don’t have to do the next day. You will always have a list of things that need to get every day (dishes, laundry, etc) but there are things on the eternal to do list that once done, are good to go for at least a couple days. Washing the windows, cleaning the microwave, etc. I find it less overwhelming to have just one thing that I need to get done each day. And I feel such a sense of accomplishment when it’s done.


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