could this be The Week?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby has engaged in the pelvis!  I was pretty sure it had, considering the increased amount of achy pain I’ve been experiencing, the increased frequency of urination, and the lessened pressure on my lungs.  You never know, though—I thought it had dropped two weeks ago.  But, alas, Kari felt for the baby down there, and said she was grabbing shoulders, not a head.  The chances of that head popping back out are pretty slim.  So, yes, I am one step closer to giving birth to this baby!  Never mind that rolling over in the night is possibly the most painful thing I’ve ever felt.  I’m going to have a baby!

My dreams were pretty strange last night.  I gave birth to a large cat, for one thing—but that was just the precursor to the baby, apparently.  I couldn’t find where my baby was being kept, and I was pretty irate about it.  My midwife informed me that the only way the hospital would let me give birth there was if my hair was down and bone straight.  Yup, my brain is over stimulated.

So, the countdown is on!  There are only 9 days left until the due date!  I hope the baby comes on a different day, though, because the 20th is a Saturday, and that would probably be the most inconvenient day for my parents to organize everything to come, seeing as my dad is a pastor and he would have to preach the next day.  But, the number one rule of babies is that there are no rules, right? 


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