…and the day draws nigh…

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hello, readers! Today is a momentous day—because I say so.  No, seriously, I am 38 weeks pregnant!  No, it’s not my due date, but it feels rather significant.  My mom had me at 38 weeks, and somehow the reality that I’m going to become a mother very soon seems much more, well, real.  I FEEL like the baby could come any day—and by that I mean that there’s a lot of uncomfortable movement and pressure Down There, the Braxton Hicks contractions actually wrap around my lower back (and are painful), and, well, I’m just DONE being pregnant.

So many “unknowns” circle around in my very over stimulated brain. It makes it hard to relax, hard to focus on the task at hand, and hard to sleep.  What will his hair colour be?  Will he inherit Joey’s metabolism?  Will she be a happy baby?  Should I start a large footwear fund already?  How big is he?  What does she look like???

I’ve never been so impatient in my life.  It’s hard to keep from getting anxious—anxious as in not trusting God.  But here are the facts that give me hope: God is the one overseeing this little baby’s growth and development—NOT ME.  Baby will come when it needs to come.  And, I’m in very, very capable hands! 

The most exciting thing about this whole process is that I am not the only one involved here.  Joey and I get to share this wonderful experience together!  It’s been a major eye-opener and marriage strengthener.  Finally, after 9 + months carrying our little one around, I will get the amazing honour of seeing my husband hold our baby for the first time.  I can’t wait!

Happy Saturday!  Enjoy the break, honour God!


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