I had forgotten what it was like

Friday, May 21, 2010

to grow up in my household—“household” meaning my dad, my mom, and myself.  Oh, and don’t forget the cat.  I am surprised that I even survived. 

Here is a sample of my family’s craziness:

My dad discovered  GarageBand for the first time this morning.  In the midst of his throat-gurgling, falsetto-slaughtering hilarity, my mom walks out of the bedroom, wieners curls and all, and cries, “Harley, you sound like Sesame Street on crack!”

The sad thing was that it was true.

Oh, how I love my family.  I hope that Judah learns to be as laid-back and jovial as my parents are.  Really, being serious is seriously boring.  I wouldn’t trade my memories of my perfectly composed wild dancing dad and my docile and serene practical joking mom for anything.  And I don’t think I'm really THAT strange because of it.  (You don’t have to comment on that.)

{Judah update}

After much deliberation, Joey and I decided to go ahead and buy a manual breast pump. Ohmyword what a good idea that was!  Make what jokes you will about me being a human cow, but this little gizmo is revolutionizing our feeding process, letmetellyou!
For example:
  • we didn’t have to stop to breastfeed our baby on our trip to Weyburn
  • I actually KNOW that Judah is getting enough to eat
  • Joey gets to share in the joy of feeding our child
  • AND I’m increasing my milk supply!
All around, this is a superb change of events for us.  We are looking forward to next week’s check-up.  Keep praying! 

I leave you with a picture of my handsome husby and his charming little munchkin. 


  1. I'll be praying! I am so sorry you've been dealing with weight gain struggles. I hope you're doing well otherwise (which it looks like from the awesome pictures!). God bless you three!

  2. Yay, I'm glad you found a way to make things easier! My cousin is going the same route with her little girl after she was stamped failure to thrive. Lucy was such a strong sucker that pumping was woefully inefficient for me - it took me half an hour to get something she slurped in five minutes.

  3. We are already noticing that he's gaining weight! He's just such a slow eater. Even at the bottle it takes at least 15-20 minutes. I am so so so relieved that he's eating more!


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