drum-roll, please

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Okay, everyone, Judah gets weighed today.  Thanks to those who have prayed.  I'm anxious--I definitely want to see a bigger number today!  Joey and I think he's chubbed up somewhat, but I don't know if we see it because it's actually there, or because that's what we desire most in the world right now.  I'll keep you posted.

The results are better, but still not the best.  He only gained 3 ounces (but I don't necessarily trust the scale), which is about half of what he should be gaining.  Now I have to actually devote 99% of my time to breast feeding.  As in my baby, who takes 1 hour to eat, needs to be fed every 2 hours.  And nap times need to fit in there somehow.  And I won't let myself nurse him to sleep.  And he needs time to be stimulated by yours truly.  So, I hope husby is willing to cook and be content with myriads of dust-bunnies dust-cats, because life is nearly going to go on hold for a little while.

You know what? I'm starting to get really worn down by the bajillion different "proper" ways to raise my child.  I don't even know what I'm supposed to do anymore.

The scary thing is that I'm starting to lose faith. I don't want that.  I want to keep trusting God because I am convinced that He is the only one that actually knows the perfect parenting process.  I need to trust in Him continually.

Prayers appreciated.


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