this whole world smells bad!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

There is a really funky smell coming from one of our bathrooms. This has happened before. All of a sudden, this vile, putrid, all-pervasive odour emanates from the bathroom in such a concentration that it gives me a headache and makes me feel like throwing up if I enter that bathroom. We have no idea why this happens, what's causing the stench, or why it only happens about once a month. It is making me angry and pouty and kind of discontent with everything right now. All because of a vicious, evil odour.

Oh, what's this? My fabulous husband just went up on the roof to discover that all of the vents have caps on them so that NOTHING IS ACTUALLY VENTING. Nothing has ever been venting. Every vile and evil waft that's supposed to exit the house in a calm, orderly fashion has been building up until, BOOM! it explodes in this death gas and makes me want to cry. 

Thank you, trailer company, for failing to remove those after delivering the house. I feel robbed of my air quality because of you. *sigh*

This post is brought to you by my need to vent to everyone and no one in particular. 


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