My, what big, strong boys you have!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It has been a busy week for me. I am a self-professed homebody... so, really, any outing I make is a really big deal. On Tuesday I felt very brave and victorious because I took both of our boys to get their immunizations without the help of my husband. I only like to take the boys out together when I am certain of the means to keep them both contained, like using a double-seater cart at Co-op, or being able to keep Benjamin in my ring-sling while Judah sits in a cart. The thought of taking the boys to get needles, which has the potential of making them both very crabby and cannot be fixed by a double-seater cart, filled me with fear. It was what had to be done, however, and I made it work. Thanks be to God, they were not even bothered by the needles! Judah was so excited to get bandages that he willingly put up with both needles (he just loves getting bandages - I don't know why). It all went swimmingly! I am so thankful.

The thing I appreciate about these appointments is that I find out the weight and height of my boys. Benjamin is in the 95th percentile for height and the 75th for weight. He didn't gain as much as is normal since our last appointment, but I think that is largely to do with how mobile he's become in the last few weeks and the nasty cold he struggled with for two of those weeks. Judah is as stocky as ever. He's off the charts for weight and almost off the charts for height. At our last appointment, we were told that he was in the 25th percentile for length. I suspected that the health nurse had plotted it incorrectly on the graph. That has been confirmed now - I know he hasn't grown that much in two months, and he is most definitely a big boy for his age!

I suppose that these charts and percentiles don't really mean very much in the grand scheme of things. I am just so very thankful that my boys are developing like they should. Seriously, there are so many things a mom can worry about - not that she should. 

Anyways... I've got many things I need to accomplish today, and NONE of them is being done whilst I sit on my fanny and blog! Off I go.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for taking both boys to get their needles.. I'd say that's a huge accomplishement! Yay mama! :)


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