What makes a muskrat guard his musk?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

We had a family outing last night to the nearest Walmart (exciting, isn't it) last night. It was so bright and sunny and warm out yesterday that it seemed a shame to not get out of the house (I seem to love going for drives, you see). As is my habit when shopping, I was looking at all the merchandise that passed before my eyes and considering whether or not what I saw was necessary. We were down in the pet section when I saw a whole wall dedicated to dog toys. I realized that our pup has not one dog toy and decided to remedy that fact. It was really tempting to buy the Lamb Chops chew toy, but in the end I settled on a really scruffy, creepily realistic muskrat squeak toy. When I presented it to Joey to get his opinion on my silly idea, Judah caught sight of the unsightly little creature.

And fell in love.

He gave me his biggest puppy-eyes and said "Pleeease?" in a way only a toddler can. I handed it to him and he began stroking it's whiskers, saying "Nice!". I may has well given him a plate full of cookies... or his first real car - that's how happy he looked. 

Well, what do you think happened? We got home and I couldn't bear throwing such a beloved thing to the dog.  And, lo, our beloved Manfred the Muskrat was born.

The real clincher on this whole deal was when Judah lifted up his shirt, held Manny sideways, and tried to feed him from his bellybutton. 


My kid rocks. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I laughed about the feeding from the belly button. Toddlers are so observant. Nathanael constantly tries to convince me that HE can feed Isaiah...cue shirt up, arms out, and pointing to chest. Mmhmmm....such manly sons we have! ;)


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