semi-connected thoughts at 38 weeks

Friday, May 10, 2013

There are two weeks, give or take, left in this pregnancy. All of a sudden I am desperate for time to slow down.

I want my boys to have the best transition possible to being a family of five. Judah periodically stops whatever he's doing, shakes in excitement, and says "I so excited NEW BEEEBEEE!" He can say her name, but not very well. It may be a bit tough for little people. We'll just have to work on nicknames first, I suppose.

I am doing whatever it takes to spend lots of time holding my boys close. It means a lot of books and a lot of Kipper/Thomas/Zoboomafoo. I am ok with that.

Sunday will be my third Mother's day. It is possible that I will have a new little child to rock on that day. Possible, but I don't think it's very likely. Her kicks and wiggles are real enough for me, for now.

My husband is such an inspiration to me. He is calm, generous, kind, and slow to anger. He easily looks past imperfections - the best antidote to my intense, sporadic, and frustrating bursts of extreme perfectionism. 

My parents are so gracious to let us live in the upper level of their house. They are content to get their sunshine by coming up for regular visits and sitting outside in our fabulous backyard. 

It's kind of a gloomy and blustery day outside, but it's SPRING and it's beautiful. I feel very mellow and content today. I feel at peace.

Mom and I had a girl's night yesterday. We shopped and gabbed and ate too much food at supper. It may be the last time we get to do something like that for a while. It makes me think of the mother/daughter moments I will get to experience in the future. 

We are so blessed to be where we are at this time in life. 24, three little ones, a beautiful home, a wonderful church, a small (but perfectly adequate) city to live in, loving family wherever we go, and many friends that we like to call family. Most of all, we are blessed to have our hearts softened to the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. His mercy and grace is astounding. 


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