
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Friends are such a blessing from God. They can encourage you in the Lord, sharpen your faith, and lighten the load of life. It's interesting to think on how much people change, though. When I think back even 2 years ago, I note that the friends I would have considered closest have grown distant while distant friends have grown close. It just goes to show that God puts different people in our lives for different seasons. I know for sure that one of the hardest seasons of life was accompanied by specific people, and now, after growing from that season, I am with different people. It's not so much that I'm changing and change is bad, but it's that God is changing me, and change is good when He works it out. So, right now I remain truly grateful for every single person God has blessed me to know, and I look ahead to what and who he has in store for me.


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