bon anniversaire

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Here I am, blogging my evening away while LOTR The Two Towers, Disc 2 plays in the background.  Joey frolics past, grabs my empty plate that once held delicious homemade pizza, then frolics back to the kitchen.  He stops briefly, lip-syncs what Gollum happens to be saying at the moment, to which I respond with a look of fright.  Undaunted, he continues with his task at hand: making mochas.  Soon he will bring one over to me with with an air of triumph and sit down by my side.  I’ll ooh and aah over it, as always, and then we’ll commence playing Scrabble while King Theoden despairs in Helm’s Deep. 

I stare off into nothingness as I reflect on the year past.  My gaze wanders over to Joey, who says “what?” in a slightly goofy (but not abnormal) voice, folds his hands, and looks at me with a childish smile.  I’m in love with a man.  And that man has been my husband for one whole year—a small victory and wonderful blessing to be outweighed by a lifetime together. I am forever grateful for God’s gift of marriage.

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! We thought of you throughout the weekend. Love you guys lots, and are praying for you -all 3 of you :>)


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