and then the dog house fell on my head

Monday, January 23, 2012

Do you ever have those moments when the world is ending?

Those baby-blowout-in-Walmart moments?

Those can't-find-anything-to-wear-for-church moments?

Those arms-full-of-groceries-can't-find-your-keys-and-it's-minus-thirty moments?

Yeah. Me too.

Today's went like this:

While I was feeding Benjamin, Judah snuck up to the counter and grabbed a bottle of Advil, opened it, and proceeded to chew on one. I know that bottle shouldn't have been there... this was the first day in a year that it's even been sitting out. I panicked, he spit it out, and I was still shaking when Joey came home and asked me to help him lift the dog house (newly built!) off of the sleigh. When I went to put it down, I *kind of* dropped it, forgetting that its roof had an overhang and that sharp tin was sticking off the edge. It hit me on the way down and scraped my head. I ran inside and burst into fits of tears. Oh, and during all of this, one of my wisdom teeth was sending bursts of pain down the left side of my jaw.

photo is unedited. :(
The world most certainly ended this afternoon.

And, you know what? Everyone survived. 


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