on getting things done with needles

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mommy was a big girl today and took the boys to get their immunization shots. Okay, the boys were pretty brave, too. (More than brave. Barely even cried brave. Were more annoyed at having to get their winter clothes on than getting stabbed brave.) I have been a bit... ahem... behind in getting them immunized. Today was the big day for me to right my wrongs and get the deed done. 

The plus side about having your babies get needles is that you get to learn what percentile they are in for weight and height. I was absolutely shocked and appalled to learn that Benjamin is OFF the charts for weight (18lb 4oz) and in the 90th percentile for height (27 inches long (he grew SEVEN whole inches in five months!)). Judah, on the other hand, although nearly equal to Ben in his weight percentile (95th), was only in the 25th percentile for height (35 inches). Alas, I have discovered (yet again) how truly unique my boys are - in nearly every area.

In other news:

I finished another knitting project! This is super-duper exciting because I am TERRIBLE at finishing knitting projects. If I was doing this to feed my family, they'd be starving. Come to think of it, if I was knitting for so noble a cause, I might actually devote myself to it a bit more than I do at present.

Let my words cease! Behold!

I used the Woman's Dimple Hat pattern from one of the greatest knitting blogs ever, the purl bee. I did not use cashmere yarn (I wish!), and I used 4.00 mm needles instead of 3.75 mm, which is perfect for my big head. I has a big noggin. This is true. 

ANYWAYS... the resulting hat is spectacular and I couldn't be happier with it! 

I am out of completely unrelated topics to add to this post. Thus, it concludes. 


  1. It looks fabu! Way to go.

    1. Thanks for the validation. That's really what we want when we've finished a knitting project, isn't it? Ha ha.


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