hello, new year

Monday, January 02, 2012

A new year has dawned, and it's back to the grind for this family. Joey is back at work today, but now he has a new boss. I know this is what's right for camp (and us) at this time, but I'm regarding the rest of winter with a bit of apprehension. I know that Joey's going to be very busy running the hill - once there is enough snow to do so, of course. He is such a hard worker, and sometimes I fear that he works too hard.

I am also back to life as usual. It's kind of hard to go back to caring for my boys alone when I've had nine days of other people being around to help with them. At the same time, I am happy that life is less hectic now. Judah is happily playing with his toys (I feared he would forget how to entertain himself!), and it's just a really mellow, quiet morning. Ben's even still in bed! Although, he did wake up for first breakfast around 6:30. 

I didn't make any official resolutions that are worth sharing here. I'm extremely bad with keeping my resolutions. Declaring that I! Will! Change! Something! by my own willpower is commendable, but unrealistic. If I did make resolutions, they would be something like this: Lose 40 pounds, read the Bible twice this year, etc. The problem with these resolutions is that I focus on the end result and forget about the MANY little steps between now and then. Instead of having these goals (and failing), I'm going to make small lifestyle changes that will bring me closer to the end result that I would like to achieve. It's not about keeping up to a deadline; it's about making use of the time I have been given right at this moment. 

Welcome, 2012. I have no idea what kind of events you'll see or if there will be any reason to even remember you at all, but I look forward to meeting you nonetheless. 


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