
Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am addicted to the little flossing things that look like crooked slingshots. I can floss with one hand while I feed Benjamin before bed. This is nothing short of a miracle.

Joey and I will become members of our church on Sunday. This means that I have to share my testimony in front of the church. I love sharing what God has done, but WOW does it make me nervous to do so.

Our third anniversary is less than two weeks away. Really? Has it already been three years? (Really? Has it only been three years?)

Judah's favourite word is currently "Hallelujah", only it sounds more like "Happy-you-yah", and occasionally "Happy Judah". It kind of melts my heart.

Benjamin is almost consistently sleeping through the night now. Some may say that 5.5 months is a little late for this development, but I think it is just right for him. And for us.

Joey is working on building a dog house. He is trying very hard to make it smaller than giant size. He has a tendency to do that, you know. Just go to his parents and take a look at the bench in their front entry, or visit the spare room and check out the desk. But, guess what? I love him anyways. 

I am amazed at how many times I have to say "No, we don't poke eyes" to Judah in a day.

Closets and cupboards that barely see the light of day have gotten makeovers in the last two days. No, I am not nesting. Well, maybe I am, but it's not for a new baby bird.

Judah's second birthday is coming up in a month and a half. I don't think we're going to make a big deal of it. But, still. OH MY WORD I HAVE A TWO YEAR OLD.

Sharing is a hard concept to teach. On one hand it's, "Let Benjamin play with your toys", and on the other it's "Those are Benjamin's toys, and those are Judah's toys. The two shall not intermingle." 

Knitting is my best friend lately. 

It's cold outside.

The End.


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