project: finish that project!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I am an absolute sucker for a good do-it-yourself craft project (see: this and this post and maybe this one, or that one).  I currently have one... two... three... maybe four... okay, WAY too many on the go at once.  But I think I need to share with you just a couple so that you can, you know, hold me accountable to actually finish one of them at some point in the future. 

By the way, have you ever checked out the Lion Brand Yarn website?  I suppose if you aren't into knitting or crocheting you wouldn't even have reason to be aware of it's existence.  I, however, have been grateful for this website on many an occasion.  After all, I have completed all of these patterns thanks to the plethora to choose from on the site.

Okay, okay... I haven't actually completed the last three.  They are under ongoing construction.  Now you know why I need a little, ahem, kick to finish.  BUT, oh my goodness, just LOOK at that baby cardigan!  With any drive it will be finished within a week or two.  Just you wait!

And... yeah, I guess waiting is all you can do right now.  Very anti-climactic, I know.


  1. K, if you can make the purl sweater, I can make that baby sweater for Lucy. So cute!

  2. Go for it! It's called the heirloom cables baby sweater. I'm in love with it. I chose to do it in a smokey grey with wooden buttons.


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