cooking adventures

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Yesterday I attempted to make supper. Joey had said something about making curry, and I had the brilliant idea of making naan to go with it. When I told him about my lofty ambition, he sweetly suggested I try making the curry as well. Instead of shying away and letting the trained cook take the responsibility (like usual), I said to myself, "Self, you can do this!" Armed with a very vague text message from Joey on how to do it, I set off.

It went pretty well for the first hour and a half. I had the naan dough rising in no time, and I (more or less) figured out what to throw in our dutch oven - which is fabulous, btw. Then 4:30 hit... and I suddenly found myself pumping milk with one hand while simultaneously wrangling a toddler, pacifying a baby, and stirring a pot. The sky? was nearly falling at that point.

And then. Then! My husband came home from work early! Together we got things back under control. He peeled the shrimp for me (why we bought shrimp with the shell on, I'll never know), and I threw the naan on the grill. The curry was coming together nicely, the rice was on the boil, and I felt a huge sense of accomplishment.

The thing is? I have never made curry before. I have a huge fear of cooking for my husband because I am so insecure in my cooking abilities. I am too proud to be vulnerable before him in that way. That's something I have made very little progress on in these 2.5 years of marriage. So, last night was a victory of sorts. I conquered my fear and shut out the voices that said "you can't!". Somehow I did it with two littles running around. The bigger little may or may not have devastated the living room while I was preoccupied, but I'll never tell. ;)


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