of picnics, hikes, and black and white

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today we decided to make the most of the beautiful weather we've been blessed with lately. Joey and I planned a picnic lunch and invited our friends (and relatives) Jordan and Michelle to a provincial park to hang out with us. We had some tasty sandwiches (with homemade French bread!), pasta and cucumber salads, cookies, and juice. Then we set off down the beaten path...

...except that the beaten path was a *little* bit mucky. And by a little I mean a LOT. It turns out pushing a stroller through wet clay is a little bit difficult, and going around said clay is almost more difficult when navigating through bush with no clear path and a lot of dead fall. We prevailed, however, and came out the other end tired (hello, 5.3 km!), but unscathed. I wore Benjamin in my Panda Pocket carrier (similar to the Moby Wrap or the CuddlyWrap), and he nestled in like a bug in a rug and slept the whole time. My body is now reminding me that I did, in fact, give birth 7.5 weeks ago and I am out of shape. 

Joey went to look at the pictures he had snapped when we got back to our vehicle and realized that he had been shooting in black & white mode almost the entire time. At first it was a bit disappointing because the Fall colours are so beauteous! But, after going through the lot of them, we realized that black and white landscape photography can be really, really awesome!


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