an open door that no one can shut

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Day Nine: Front Door

What is it about
a weathered door
leaning against
a barn board wall
that simply demands
you take a photograph?
I don't know.
But it does make me wonder
who this front door
once belonged to.

Also! It's that day of the week again - thankful Thursday!

Sheesh, guys, I have so much to be thankful for. First, though, let me start with this:

I have been motivated to waste less time and actually get things done around here. The fact of the matter, no matter how much I'd like to deny it, is that there is always something to do in this house. There's always laundry to do, a floor to scrub, a carpet to vacuum, a loaf of bread to bake, a meal to prepare, a diaper to change, and a dog to walk. Oh, and a self to take care of. It has taken me a lot to actually admit that being a stay-at-home-mom is a full-time job. I do actually have an important job to do. My husband expects me to care for the home - and he is right to do so. He's not being chauvinistic. I have the sensitivity required to care for a family. I see needs that he does not, I have different standards of home cleanliness than he does. It's not that he's lacking - it's just how we're made up. We are designed to compliment each other, to complete each other. It's about time that I smarten up and delight in the wonderful task God has designed me for - has designed for me.

So! Now that that's off my chest... here's what I'm thankful for:

  • My beautiful, big kitchen that makes it easy and enjoyable to create delicious food.
  • (I can't say this one enough) The GORGEOUS winter we've had this year. I cannot recall such a beautiful winter season! Although... when I was little I would have thought this was the worst possible winter on account of the lack of snow. 
  • My husband. I am more than blessed in the man God chose for me to marry. He is taking so much responsibility to not only be the physical head of this home, but also to be the spiritual head. I'm not saying he is perfect, but I can tell that God is teaching him what it means for husbands to love their wives like Christ loves the church. 
  • I am so very thankful that while everything is dead, brown, and prickly here, SOMEWHERE in the world it is grapefruit season! They are so sweet and juicy right now! They bring summer and sunshine to my life.
  • The Church body. I've been going to church all of my life. It's something that can easily become "this thing we do", and thus lose almost all of it's meaning and importance. But lately I've been re-discovering how vibrant and alive it really is! And it should be - we are the bride of Christ, and he's coming back His beloved. 
What are you thankful for today?


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