the Sky Diver and the Crawler

Friday, February 03, 2012

Confession: small things stress me out.
I have felt more stress in the last week than I have felt in a looooong time. It's not even like something really bad has happened. It's just that many small things happened all at once. Wednesday morning was kind of the climax of it all. Blah. I am happy to report, however, that things are looking up.

Allow me to distract you (and myself) with this little Bean.

 May I draw your attention to the fact that his knees are under him? Unassisted, no less?!
 It's a move he's been streamlining for a couple days now. It starts out in the position above (which we lovingly refer to as the Sky Diver)...
 ...then quickly transitions to the Crawler. I don't know why the Sky Diver must always precede the Crawler. But it do.
Oh, and the Bean would like you to know that IT'S HARD WORK.

I hope you feel sufficiently distracted.


  1. Crawling already? No way! Abbi just started sitting unassisted (actually, I think it started earlier but I refused to acknowledge it til just recently!). She can also get her butt in the air but doesn't get up on her hands yet! My, how different kids are, eh?

    1. He hasn't totally figured it out, but he loves getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth!


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