
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This blog post, that is.  Right now my life consists of little more than preparing to become a mommy.  Baby could come as soon as 4 weeks from now, and as late as 8.  Am I ready?  I don’t think so.  Is any new mother ever ready?  Again, I don’t think so.  As much research as a woman does, as much educating as she endures, as much reassurance she receives, there’s still the looming reality that a new little person is being brought into existence, and YOU are responsible for this little person.  If I remove all emotion, it seems so simple:  feed her, change her, keep her warm, rested, and happy.  Those are the things I can count on.  What I CAN’T count on is how I will react.  How the baby will react.  How my husband will react.  I am completely blind to the future.  Every day I have to give my fears to God.  How else am I going to survive?  Parenthood is completely foreign to me!  I know the facts, I’ve seen it in action, and I am the product of it, but unless I give up my desire to control all the unknowns, I will fail.  And what’s different about failing NOW is that it doesn’t just affect me—it dramatically will affect my husband and my child!  

If I do this in my own strength, life will be pretty miserable.  Pray for me, that I would do it in God’s strength, not my own. 


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